Feb 02, 2011 08:07
Turning 30 in 2 weeks and feeling ok about it so far. I've been ok about it so far but I know as the date comes closer I'm going to be like, OMGWTF.
Jim is planning a few events for my birthday though, which should be nice, and at work they're throwing a happy hour next Thursday to celebrate my birthday, though really you could say they're just throwing a happy hour that falls near my birthday. Still, it's nice to be included like that.
Also, in other news, I'm pretty OK with the fact that we managed to avoid Snowpocalypse 2. Right now it's just raining, and not even freezing rain, which would make the commute pretty unbearable. I'm glad for my friends in the Midwest though, who will actually get a snow day, though good luck digging out. It took us about a week here in the Mid-Atlantic to get out, and even after we did there were still problems.