Happy Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year to you all! My sister came home from college earlier (and is leaving again in an hour) and we have too much food for three people. /D;; It's good food though~ And my mother gave me a ya sui qian, so now I have money for New York. :D
In other news, I'm making Ryoko's pimp post at last. Last night I struggled with imageshack and photobucket (neither will upload pictures) and figured out how to use Picasa instead. But as a result, I accidentally deleted my Neoki Dokkiri and some other things that I can redownload. Not having the sounds of Yoko and Subaru snickering quietly as I tried to sleep last night was disorienting and a little weird. :|
the road to making a pimp post is a long one. I can't tell you how many searches I ran on google, how many new pictures I saved (okay, that number is 38), and of course, all the html that goes into it. Plus struggling to read through her Japanese Wikipedia was an adventure in and of itself, seeing as how my kanji absolutely sucks and I'm too lazy to google translate half of it. Regardless, I learned some new things about her! :D
I also found a Chinese fan forum dedicated ENTIRELY to her with lots of wonderful pictures and scans. But oh wait, they closed membership for a while. SOBBING, SOBBING. THEY HAD SO MANY AWESOME SCANS, TOO. ;_______;
That aside, I found that my sabra magazine scan collection of her shoot is not complete. There are more, most of which I can't get because stupid forums require points from posts and stuff. Ngh. My Chinese is not that good. But on the bright side, I have more pictures from the shoot and something else. :D
...yeah, that is what I did for three hours last night instead of Deglering. I have no perception of priorities, clearly. /D;; But it's for a good cause!
Look forward to the post~ :3 there are lots of pictures and videos and links. I'm working really hard on finishing it, so I hope that even if you don't end up liking her, you're entertained for a short while. XD
Also, I am downloading Shirota's Merengue no Kimochi because she gets mentioned in it, apparently. The file is huge. I am lame. But I am okay with that.