I finally got around to writing a little today! Well, it was after I finished the chemistry test so I wasn't exactly in the right mindset to write, but I got about two pages handwritten, one a warm up and the other fic. In second person, but fic nonetheless! I like the warm up, actually, so I'm typing it up. :3
You know, one of these days I'm going to be somebody. Not just another face in the crowd, a name amongst many, an insignificant dot of paint that makes up a shadow in the background. I'm going to do something special, something that will get my name out there in the open for all to see and hear and say, even if they pronounce my last name wrong. I'm used to that part already.
But just you wait and see, this world will be my stage one day, the spotlight on me and me alone. And people are going to think "wow," and that I'm "special," more special than they'll ever be.
But then I'll show the world that they're special too, each and every one of them. And then I won't be alone in the spotlight, no, there'll be him and her and them and those people over there on the other side of the ocean. Yeah, those people. And once we're all there, we'll all know what it's like to be someone, a person that isn't just anyone.
And then the spotlight will roll away or we'll get so used to it, it'll take another thousand watts for that same special feeling to be had again. And we'll all be those shadows in the background because nothing can exist without us there. And no one will care because being in the light isn't all it's cut out to be after all.
That's fine for me.
Just you wait and see. It's going to happen. I know it will. When you hear my name on the radio, you'll know it's started.
Look forward to it, okay?
...I honestly don't know where it came from. /D;; I've been writing bits and pieces of things like this lately, but it did transition well into writing fic. I'm back to my long sentences again. It's nice to be able to write like that again. <3
In other news, I went to my old junior high to sing for our choir field trip. Aaah, nostalgia~~~