I'm just avoiding work right now because if I have to find the secant of one more theta angle, I'm going to kill myself.
1. Full name? >.> First name is Rose. I don't use anything else online.
2. Male/Female? Female
3. Were you named after anyone? Not that I know of.
4. Does your name mean anything? A flower. Though it might be Saxon for "horse".
5. Nickname(s)? "Rose" kind of is a nickname. Others include "Rosie", "Han Han" (my Chinese name), "That one girl", and "The smart one who spends too much time on the internet".
6. What do you think you look like? Um, an Asian girl, probably a tad older than I actually am. Someone once told me that I have a nose very similar in shape to Akanishi Jin's.
7. Date of birth? March 7
8. Place of birth and current location? Born in Illinois suburbia, still reside here. I'd really like to move out west someday, though.
9. Nationality? US citizen. 100% Chinese from my parents.
10) Astrology sign? Pisces
11) Chinese astrology zodiac sign? That would involve giving my age. >.> It's 4-legged.
12) Religion? More or less Atheist.
13) What's your favorite smell? I'm really drawn to clean, sweet scents, but not fruity or sickly sweet smells. The scent of generic soap makes me happy.
14) Political Position? Moderate
15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee if I have to get up earlier than 10. Otherwise, just water.
16) Hair + eye color? Naturally black, still very dark. I'm planning on dyeing it sometime soon, probably to a dark brown.
17) Do you look like anyone famous? Again, someone once compared me to Akanishi Jin. I don't know if that's a compliment or not. >.>
18) What do you look like? An Asian female. I'm kind of pale though, seeing as I don't walk in the sun for more than 1 minute at a time anymore.
19) Any unusual talents? Er. I can pick things up with my toes, if that counts. I can also crack my knuckles without touching them with the other hand.
20) Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous? Righty, but I play hockey (only in gym class) and use a knife and a fork lefty. My lefty writing is also much neater than my right-handed script, but much slower.
21) Gay, straight, bi, or other? Straight, but I do find girls attractive at times.
22) What do you do for a living? Student.
23) What do you do for fun? Write, listen to music, watch dramas, TV, people on the street, sing, play badminton, draw, spend time reading Wikipedia articles and other various things.
24) What are your favorite art materials to work with? I like doing digital art, but I adore the smell of oil paints (especially turpentoid!)
25) What kind of materials would you like to work with? Ah, I'd love to learn how to use charcoal and watercolors! Oh, and colored pencils.
26) Have you met your grandparents? Both maternal and my paternal grandmother.
27) Boyfriend/girlfriend? Perpetually single. I don't have much interest in the dating scene at the moment.
28) Crush? Only on celebrities about halfway across the world.
29) What celebrity would you date if you could? ...eh, no one, probably. If I had to pick one, it'd be tied between Akanishi Jin and Ueda Tatsuya of KAT-TUN.
30) Current worries? School, of course. Oh, and I've been having these horrible pains in my lower legs, which might be shin splints from badminton. But I can't take a break because our first meet is next Monday and I'm near the top of the line up. T.T
31) Favorite online guy/girl(s)? I can't say.
32) Favorite place to be? Personally? I loved riding on the subway in Japan. It was oddly soothing. But it woud have to be in my room, watching dramas with a nice snack.
33) Least favorite place to be? Crowded, polluted, dirty places. I'm slightly claustrophobic.
34) Do you burn or tan? Tan. I really don't like being too tan, so I stay indoors all summer and hermit.
35) Ever break a bone? Not yet.
36) What is your favorite cereal? Honey-Nut Chex!
37) Person you cry with? A plush toy that I still sleep next to.
Do you have...
38) Any sisters? One, and she acts like a petulant child when I don't make her sandwiches, throws fits when people try to wake her up in the morning, and is always late. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm the younger one. But I love her despite this.
39) Any brothers? No, but I guess it's alright.
40) Any pets? Used to have hamsters, but it's been years.
41) An illness? Not that I know of. Maybe a slight cold at the moment.
42) A pager? Nope.
43) A personal phone line? That would be my cell.
44) A cell phone? Yep.
45) A visible birthmark? Not that I know of.
46) A pool or hot tub? Nope.
47) A car? No.
48) Personality? A bit sullen at times, quiet and reserved. Mature for my age, but loud when I want to be. I've been told I'm adorable. >.<
49) Driving? Eh...
50) Your clothing style? I think it's pretty normal? Mostly jeans and tops with a hoodie or cardigan.
51) Room? My own. It's small but cozy.
52) What’s missing? The will to do my homework.
53) School? Going through it.
54) Bed? Twin bed.
55) Relationship with your parent(s)? Pretty good, I think.
57) Do you believe in love at first sight? Probably not. The jury's still voting on this one.
58) Consider yourself a good listener? When I want to be. I get distracted if it's not important though.
59) Have a future dream that you would like to share? I really want to take a vacation back to Japan and spend more time just exploring. 2 days in Tokyo isn't nearly enough.
Oh, also, I'd like to learn to speak French and Japanese more fluently.
60) Get along with your parents? Yes.
61) Save your e-mail conversations? In my "Sent" box, really.
62) Pray? Only in dire times, and to what god, I don't know.
63) Believe in reincarnation? Perhaps.
64) Brush your teeth twice a day? When I remember.
65) Like to talk on the phone? Nope. I prefer talking in person.
66) Like to eat? Yes, but only certain things.
67) Like to exercise? If it's badminton!
68) Like to watch sports? Only tennis, ping pong and badminton.
69) Sing in the car? Nope. I save that for the shower.
70) What is a dream that you have all the time? I dream that I've forgotten something important and can't remember what it is often.
71) Dream in color? ...no. I unconsciously paint over the grey when I think back to my dreams. I remember that the day I realized I dream in black and white, I cried.
72) Do you have nightmares? Every now and then.
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal? Kind of.
74) What's right next to you? My closet to my left, a window, lamp, chair, soda can and bookshelf to my right.
75) What's on your favorite mug? My red Beijing Olympics one.
76) What's on your mouse pad? Don't have one.
77) Your favorite flavor of gum? Peppermint.
78) Your brand of deodorant? Secret.
79) Your dream honeymoon spot? Somewhere with the sun, the stars, blue skies and water, all at once.
80) Your dream husband/wife? Haven't really thought about it much.
81) What's hiding in your closet? Clothes and assorted dramas that my mother doesn't watch and stores in there.
82) Under your bed? A power strip and dust bunnies.
83) The name of your closest/best friends? Jessie, Lizzie, Charlotte, Allison.
84) Your bad time of the day? Morning.
85) Your worst fear(s)? Failing a class.
86) What's the weather like? Too cold for March. It's nice and sunny, and the sky is gorgeous though.
87) Your favorite time of year? Spring, despite all the pollen. Right when it's warm enough not to wear a coat, but not rainy/humid enough to make me sweat.
88) Your favorite holiday? Summer vacation.
89) A material weakness? Food? When I go to the mall, I spend most of my money in the food court...
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like? Well, in America, eating chicken feet sounds weird, but they're really good.
91) Languages? English. Learning Japanese, French; learned Spanish and gave up. I'm losing my Mandarin.
92) The hardest thing about growing up? I'm more responsible for what I do.
93) A pet peeve? Bad pitch. People who tell me I sound amazing when I sing when I don't. People who make me feel bad for not being average.
94) Your scariest moment? So far, it might have been in the pool during gym when we were playing water polo and someone pushed me under the water to get the ball from me. I couldn't breathe and I was so scared.
95) Your attitude about love? If I truly ever find it, it might ruin me.
96) What is the funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex? ... Eh... Made them potstickers? He was feeling really down, and they're his favorite food, but we're just friends.
97) The worst feeling in the world? Disappointment and a loss of hope.
98) The best feeling in the world? Just being free to explore the world.
99) Who sent this to you? Stole it from
aiwritingfic 100) 5 people you tag: >.> Anyone?
Mmkay, off to do homework and then dinner and badminton. Then maybe I can sleep.