thats how you get tough... by hitting urself in the leg w/ a baseball bat

Jul 11, 2005 09:33

time started : 9 33
full name : Alyssa Kimberly Ried
nickname(s) : Lyssa, Lyssie, Squish, Nerd ;)
birthday : April 13th
where were you born : Providence somewheres in MI
zodiac sign : Aries
height : 5'2
hair color : Brown
eye color : Green
ring size : 9 =( i have fat fingers
skin type (freckles, tan, albino, etc.): freckles (ALBINO HAHAHAHHA SAHRISH!)
blood type : noooooo idea
grade : gonna be a sophmore
siblings : Ryan(17) and Derek(11)
tattoos : None but hoping 2 get a small one someday maybe
piercings : Ears and hoping 2 get my ears done again and my belly button
hobbies : DANNNCEEE!! poms, and volleyball


color : PURPLE!!!
food : all of it =D
candy : skittles or twizzlers
type of cheese : cheddar
pizza topping : cheese
salad dressing : ranch
sandwich : ham and cheese but it has to be toasted
cereal : cheerios!!! or RICE chex
fruit : kiwi
vegetable : Green beans
berry : strawberries
cake : i dont like cake ICE CREAM PLZ!!
book : mmmmm im reading pride and prejudice right now and its pretty good
movie : A walk to remember
magazine : GL??? i dont really read magazines much
newspaper : The Free Press?? LOL
tv show : mmmm Punk'd?
website: launch
radio station : 89X
font : ha dk dc
cartoon character : ummm blue from blues clues!!! lol
artist (painter) : lets out of the 2 i kno Van gogh lol
actor : Ashton Kutcher =P
actress : Amanda Bynes
cd : Right now the OLD good charlotte the original
song : Lose Control ~ missy elliot f. Ciara
music group : Simple plan i guess
music type : rock, hip hop, R & B
day of the week : friday night/saturday morning (hey it can add up 2 24 hours too!)
month : October
season holiday : i love our tradition for 4th of July so that one
shampoo : Pantene Pro-v
number : 16
store : Kohl's and Target!!! lol
weather : 75- ish w/ a slow cool breeze (a few clouds too)
restaurant : Arby's =P=P
channel : MTV or DISNEY CHANNEL BABY!! lol
teacher : ummmm Ms. Casazza cuz i actually understand math when she teaches it!
weekend activity : Movies
hangout : once again, Movies (or possible mall depends on the wknd)
sport to watch : hockey
sport to play : Volleyball
animal : puppies =D
flower : any kind of rose
guy's name : i have no idea.... lolololol how bouts josh ;)
girl's name : summer
board game : sorry
party game: catch phrase
story from childhood : when i was the star of the soccer team =D=D=D=D=D
body part : eyes


been on a train : yes
been on a plane : yup
been in a car accident : yes
caused a car accident : dont think so
run into a wall : haha no but i ran in2 one of those billboards @ the airports ... twice =D
burned a potato chip : no
almost burned the house down : no
smoked : nopes
been drunk : .....
been high : no
broken the law : is TPing breaking the law?
burned a cd (if yes, the one above is yes) : tchyeah!
kissed someone of the opposite sex : nope =(
kissed someone of the same sex : lips- no cheek- yep
frenched an animal : HELL NO!
made out : no
had cyber sex :
gotten engaged : lol no
had an online relationship : not really
been rejected by a crush : psh im too shy 4 anything 2 happen
loved : dont thinks so
made yourself cry to get out of trouble : yeah
cried in public : yeah kind of embarrassing
cried over a movie : yeah specially lately i'm gettin more emotional
fallen asleep in a movie theater : nopes
given someone a bath : nopes
been to a boarding school : nopes (i still think it sounds kinda fun tho)
been home-schooled : no
lost a valuable item : not too valuable just my mom's camera =/ lol (and i still hear about it 2 yrs later)
bungee jumped : no but i want 2
skied : downhill-yeps cross country-yeps water-yeps
met the president : i saw him on TV once.... lol
met a celebrity : well apparently my drivers ed teachers granddaughter knows eminem and is in his videos and trey's aunt is in 13 goin on 30 and the village
gotten a cavity : no
shopped at abercrombie & fitch : yeah but i only have one skirt from there
made a prank call : yeah 2 shanade lololololol (im sittin in ur bushes nae nae)
skipped school : no
faked sick to get out of school : yesh
purchased something that you knew didn't fit : no y would u do that?
climbed a tree : yahuh
fallen from a tree : almost
broken a bone : yeps 2 little finger and right leg
sprained anything : yeps my knee right @ states last year too >:O
passed out : no but @ my li'l bros baseball game yesterday the first basemen slid in head first to get the out and got kicked in the face by the runner who was sliding foot first and he passed out and wasn't breathing and it was the scariest thing of my life especially when it took the ambulance like 20 minutes 2 get there i mean c'mon the kid coulda died!!!!
made yourself pass out : no... u can do that?
been to disney world : yea a couple times (like 3 times)
been to a theme park (not disney) : hahah yes!
said i love you and meant it (not to a relative): umm yes to friends
made a model volcano (working model) : attempted -- failed
made a clover leaf with your tounge: can't


what did you do yesterday : driving in the AM, then lunch @ subway (i drove =*) then derek's baseball where the kid blacked out then home then i saw the interpreter @ the civic then i slept
memory you miss the most : pom camp '04 (hoping '05 is saweet!)
memory you want to forget : something retarded in 4th grade that was a big deal then but i dont feel like talkin about it
something you regretted after it was done: uhhhhhh... ill come back 2 this one (or not)


song you heard : Mr. Brightside by the killers (i had pom practice this morning)
cd you bought : Good Charlotte ~ Good Charlotte
thing you said : OK!!! (screamed 2 my mother when she left w/ my brother 4 swim practice)
time you cried : idk when i last REALLY cried (i try 2 hold it in)
movie seen in a theater : The Interpreter last night
thing you ate : cherry =D and some fruit punch =D
person who you called : 911 =0 i haven't called many ppl lately so my last call was when that kid blacked out everyone was like call 911 call 911!! so i did
nail polish shade worn : some shimmery orangy-pinkish (im still wearing it)
time you showered : yesterday morning (im about 2 go shower again god ppl)
person who complimented you : uhhhhh gimme a sec. i think i mighta got half a compliment from Dayna this morning but other than that i have no idea


what are you listening to: the keys on the keyboard clicking
what are you wearing : Sweaty black dance pants, and a sweaty blue tank top (from poms)
what are you thinking : my head hurts and i wanna b sleeping
what are you scared of most : drowning
how many people are on your buddy list : 147


occupation : actress? singer?
marriage site : dk dc
honeymoon : Europe
place to live : NYC or Chicago or LA
kids : dk dc
car : white or blue convertible beetle =D
what are you doing tomorrow : poms drivers ed the usual


best friend : dont have one =(
funniest : Carly
silliest : Kristen
loudest : Hollie
quietest : Melissa
craziest : Ashley R.
calmest : Kari
skinniest : Lauren
best secret keeper : Sahrish
worst secret keeper : yeah i'd sure tell you that
the one you have but don't want: Alyse lol im jp u kno i <3 u
smartest : ME! ha right thats prolly Melissa too
preppiest : Danielle B.
peppiest : Sarah B.
most hyper : Tiffany
hottest : apparently Amber's pretty hott
weirdest : Alyse w/ her gothic suicide bombing practices but heck thats y we love her so much
biggest pervert : mwahahhahaha that'd b me
most annyoing : if they were annoying they wouldn't b my friends
shyest : Lauren, or Melissa, or possibly Alyse
most religious : Sarah G.


heaven : im torn right now
hell : plz see above
angels : and again look up
devil : *Sigh* this is getting old
god : still getting old
buddha : no
aliens : yes but not the shiny green things everyone makes them out 2 b
ghosts : not sure
spirit (soul) : yeps
soulmates : mhmm
reincarnation : no
love at first sight : no if love isn't about looks how can there b love @ first sight
karma : YES
love in general : yea
luck : yea i actually have a lot of it even tho i was born on Friday the 13th
yourself : depends


who and when was your first crush : my first BIG crush was Tyler in 3rd grade
any now : yeah
a celebrity crush : Ashton Kutcher
who do you want to be with right now : if u dont know this u MUST live under a rock
whos number do you want : already got it =)
who do you want to kiss : see 2 up
what is something you dont understand about the opposite sex : im pretty sure i dont understand anything about them being as they NEVER approach me
if you could go on a date with anybody, who would it be : see 5 up
on scale of one to ten, how romantic are you : not very like 3 or 4
first thing noticed about the opposite sex : hair and face
what do you look for personality-wise : someone who is funny and outgoing
biggest turn on : beige pants (LOL!) idk different things about different guys it depends
biggest turn off : once again it depends
something they wear that turns you on : BEIGE PANTS =P=P=P=P=P=P=P the beige shorts preferably
something they wear that turns you off : sandals with socks (i hate when ANYBODY does this)
the most romantic thing you want to happen to you : idk i wanna b surprised so im not gonna think about it
the most romantic thing that has happened to you : ummm im still waiting 4 that bf but in preschool this kid gave me a ring and we "went out" by having a picnic on the playgrounds (yes our mothers were there)
is it right to flirt if you're taken : its not right but its not wrong its just kinda ... fun
are eyes the passegeway to the soul : i've always wondered about that and in a way i guess they kinda are
who would you like to take to the prom: i have like 2 years 2 worry about that
do you want to hug somebody right now : not really... and im sure nobody wants a hug from a dirty sweaty smelly thing like i m right now

time finished@: 10 27

stolen again from Bryana,

PS im a really slow survey taker this thing took me almost an hour and every1 else only 1/2 an hour
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