(no subject)

Jul 06, 2005 11:43

extremely bored... so im taking a survey that i stole from Bryana

section one - introduction
+ known as: Alyssa, lyssa, or lyssie
+ lives in: my house lol
+ birthday: Apr*13
+ shoe size: 4 =( they're small!
+ hair color: brown
+ eye color: green

section two - have you ever...
+ cheated on someone?: no
+ been cheated on?: no
+ fallen off the bed?: ooo yes good story... in vermont where i go snowboarding i definantly fell off the top bunk b/c my friend kyshee was talking in her sleep and it scared me
+ broken someone's heart?: prolly not
+ had a dream come true?: mmmmm i guess not a big one tho
+ done something you regret?: hasn't everyone?
+ cheated on a test?: ummm in world studies cuz mr. mcguire is totally clueless and in drivers ed cuz the teacher was being retarded and giving us a test we werent sposed 2 take

section three - currently
+ wearing: sofe shorts and a pink tee
+ listening to?: kelly clarkson =D
+ located?: office in my house
+ chatting with?: Lauren A. and Amanda H. but Amanda's not really talking
+ watching?: the computer screen?
+ should REALLY be doing?: cleaning the bathroom X_X

section four - do you...
+ brush your teeth? YESSSS who doesn't?!?!
+ have any piercings? yea ears but i want my belly button done
+ drive?: as of yesterday =*
+ drink? not as a habit or regularly or anything
+ smoke cigs?: nope
+ smoke reefer?: HAHAHHAHAHA...no

section five - the last person you...
+ hugged?: ummmm idk... wow that's sad
+ kissed?: idk either =(
+ IMed?: Lauren
+ talked to on the phone: my mom this morning
+ yelled at?: patti >:O still mad

section six - personal
+ what do you want to be when you grow up?: currently i wanna be in a band
+ what has been the best day of your life?: mmmmm idk...
+ what comes first in your life?: music
+ do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: crush... like 3
+ what are you most scared of?: spiders, drowning, failure
+ did you lose someone you really loved?: not lately but i have
+ how many times have you fallen in love?: idk i dont think i have yet
+ love your friends?: I COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM

section seven - favorite at the moment
+ movie: a walk 2 remember
+ store: kohl's and target =) keep it cheap and cute =D
+ relative: cousin stephanie who recently sent me a way to buy one pair of flip flops and get 36 in return
+ sport:poms? + ice cream flavor: chocolate!
+ fruit: strawberries or watermelon
+ candy: twix!!
+ day of the week: friday night/saturday morning
+ color: purple
+ name for a girl: mmmmm Summer
+ name for a boy: this is a hard question!! how bout.. matt? lol idk

section eight - do you
+ like to give hugs?: i dont hate 'em
+ like to give kisses? too shy too
+ like to walk in the rain?: only my favorite thing in the world!
+ like to travel?: yea i really like crowded cities like New York or Chicago
+ have a goldfish?: did
+ have stuffed animals?: yes =D

section nine - what do you think about...
+ suicide: so sad =( listen 2 hold on by good charlotte sometime =(
+ smoking: disgusting
+ eating disorders: scary =(
+ summer: too short if you go 2 IA

section ten - this or that
+ pierced nose or tongue?: nose but really really little like the stud Kelly Clarkson has
+ MTV or BET?: MTV
+ 7th Heaven or dawson's creek?: 7th heaven
+ sugar or salt?: sugar
+ silver or gold?: silver
+ chocolate or flowers: flowers
+ color or black-and-white photos?: depends on the photo

+ stay up late or sleep in?: STAY UP LATE (then sleep in ;)
+ hot or cold?: hot
+ mustard or ketchup?: ketchup
+ wonder or amazement?: amazement
+ mexican or italian: mexican TACO BELL BABY!
+ candy or soda?: soda
+ pepsi or coke?: pepsi!!!
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