Another Anti-Scene Rant

Oct 24, 2005 23:01

So, I dunno why, but I've been getting really angry at the scene lately. Mostly at it's inexplicable inablility to explain why some bands are cool, "scene," or if they suck. I know one person in particular who does this. It's gotten to the point where I wonder if people listen to and obsess over some bands for the scene points because those bands are scene right then, or if they just honestly LIKE the band. Ya know? Moreover, really scene kids will try to deny that they even LIKED hated bands in the scene. I'm not afraid to admit I used to think Simple Plan rocked. I'm a little ashamed of it, yes. But I don't DENY it. And yes, on some days I do put on my old NFG records for shits and giggles. Moreover, I don't rag on people... too badly anyways, for their musical tastes, past or present. Not anymore anyways... I do still rag on Sarah, because I think I'm obliged to piss her off. =P

The thing that bothers me the most is that many scene kids can't really explain WHY a band is bad, or why a band is good. Allow me to give an example. I HATE EMERY. With a passion. But I have my reasons other than "They suck." Their lyrics and style is so stereotypically, in a bad way, emo. On their last album, they try the whole "screaming" thing on "Walls," because screaming in songs used to be the cool thing to do, obviously, but it sounds awkward and out of place. You go from this high intesity scream to this weak, pathetic "Let the walls have their say" over and over again. It's an out of place breakdown that, instead of adding tension and a feeling of movement to the song, totally kills the entire momentum of the song. ALL their breakdowns sound out of place. Their vocals are pathetically weak, despite the attempt to intensify them through random, out of place screaming. And c'mon! "It doesn't feel right holding someone else's hand"?! Dude. C'MON. And possibly the worst line ever in emo music- "I can't believe that/You would say these words/ Is this really happening?" During this, the tempo slows, and you're left with the vocalist crooning over this line for a good while. Now, how is this groundbreaking? How was this hyped? They've just touched on all the emo trademarks at the time in an attempt to make something sound "refreshing" when they're really just mashing all these marks together and hoping for the best.

See?! REASONS. Someday I WILL COMPLETELY DESTROY THE SCENE. JUST YOU WAIT. I will die, then reincarnate myself to destroy the scene and the concept of "scene points" once and for all...along with MySpace...And Emery...And the Bush's. All of them. Even Billy Bush. Because he is a douchebag.
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