Aug 04, 2009 16:08
Hi guys! ^^
This time I'm writing because I need your help. I realized it's about time we change our layout, and I'm thinking about changing the community looks to something brighter and more optimistic. =D Lighter colors and a new header. XD And this is where I would need your help. Not so long ago I had a problem with my computer and lots of my stuff was accidentally deleted (=_=) also most of my d-boys galleries... =/
So I have a favor to everyone. Could you recommend me some pretty group picture for the header? XD It doesn't have to include all of the boys but the more of them the better. ^^ It would help me a lot!!! (^~^)
Also perhaps there is someone here advanced in CSS stylesheets who would be willing to help me with the script? ^^ I usually do it on my own, but I'm not as good with it as I'd like to be ^^; I would provide this person with the header, background picture and everything she/he would need to have =] If there is anyone interested let me know by commenting here or through email ->
All help would be appreciated!!! <3
Also to everyone interested in updates of the projects:
★DD-Boys★ - we are currently working on 3 episodes simultaneously and if everything works according to the plan at least two of them will be released before the end of the month :)
★Cinepuri 180 days of youth★ - it's almost done! It's timed and typesetted but we found out there were few things that needed to be translated again. So now we're waiting for this few bits to be done, and as soon as we have them we would encode it and release.
★Air Gear Musical SRR★ - it's half done. I'm currently working on timing and karaoke at the same time and it will be done within next two weeks :)
★Arakure Knight★ - is almost translated.
★Tenimyu Supporters DVD★ - is being translated...
It's all for the moment. ^^
Thank you everyone who will be willing to help me!! <3