Well here it goes. The long awaited update. I may have to break this up into parts...
Last Thursday saw the coming of the Great Hollywood Video Loss Prevention Inquisition and Witch-hunt. After the dust settled and the smoke cleared, we tallied the dead and they counted four, two GSR's, a Shift Leader and our Store Manager. Yes...the King is dead...Long live the King! Or queen, actually. My new boss is a woman, but more on that later. Let's look at those numbers again...two out of the five managers...hmm...and another one on vacation. So that leaves the available managers down to ONE Shift Leader and ONE Assistant Manager (Me). SO for the last 5 days I've been basically doing the job of 3 people. PLUS I've been having to train the thee replacements for the managers (the two axed ones, and one extra SL we were training anyway.) Yeah that's right, I have to train my boss to do her job. Some might ask why I am not the new Store Manager. *awaits comedic response* Well, I was offered, but turned it down. I don't want it. YES, it would be more money, but it would also be more hours and more stress. Also, I don't plan to be around for too much longer (at HV, that is) and there is enough of a decent person in me to not take a job for a couple of months. Apparently the morals I lack sexually manifest themselves in my professional life.
Well, no matter. Two more days and I will officially be on vacation and this will all be the other assistant's problem. Woooooohoooooo!!!!
But in other news, my Dr says I am broken. My kneecaps are apparently inflamed and if they are not better in four weeks, there is a good chance I will have to have orthopedic surgery to have my kneecaps shaved. yay. Also, my back pain is a work related physical sress injury. HE suggests I join a gym and work on my lower back muscles. He also gave me scrips for anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers and pain killers! YAY! I am happy dream-state Daniel. These next two days should be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Heh.
Other noteworthy events. I have a new webcam AND I bought City of Heroes Here is a screen cap of my first attempt of a character:
Go ahead, laugh at his name....but hey, wouldn't YOU think twice about being evil if a guy with hands like that and a name like that was coming for ya? Yeah...that's what I thought. I've played a couple times with my brother, and HIS brother (who is of no relation to me). That was of course, until the proverbial shit hit the equally as proverbial fan at New Tartarus. Ugh.
Also, I am SOOOOOOO looking forward to Bearwatch. Should be loads..of fun... Besides, I'm tired of hearing all of Jeff's stories about TBRU, dammit! :)AAAAAAAAAAND I finally get to meet the cubbies in person. Not to mention some other of my net hotties. You still going Rick?
So that's about all for now. Until next time, I remain...
~Daniel, the overworked, broken kneed, super fistin' haid.