some of you will be getting postcards, others bleh to you.
wayyy to much fun when I should be asleep
I believe it was 3 am.
Bullets and Roses.
I think it might be better if we slept together. All in the attitude.
jdy3#&!N%^bs ! I look too fucking happy.
you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror ask yourself who you are and why you are here today in the world it seems that nobody cares people who were once your friends just pass by with a glace and you're still trapped in that suffocating trance it seemed you couldn't call the lines for yourself the path you left seems one mistook alone by yourself better off you were dead cause nobodys here to listen its better left unsaid -but who do you think you are driving by in your car you had your last laugh i had my last toast here alive turned down my sheets and i quietly cried i sobbed to myself of what was missing in my life nobody understands or just disappears x2 -walk right past me with all of your fucking so-called friends nobody gives a damn about what you or what happens in the end we all don't even care what'll happen to you -or anybody else the whole fucking world's just consumed with themselves feelings don't exist your girlfriend's caressing guys who look like familiar good friends in the end nothing else matters in the end forget what you've been told in the past take a look in the mirror follow your heart don't look back at that past its okay those who are strongest will make it in the end anyway
Girls can write too.