this is my last summer night of 2004. it has been a most enjoyable lot of summer nights i think. tomorrow i will write of days, but for now im into nights.
nights filled with being late for our curfew, every time
nights filled with laughing
nights filled with kissing
nights filled with movies
nights filled with video taping
nights filled with hardcore dancing
nights filled with discussions
nights filled with tears (and screams)
nights filled with anger
nights filled with reading
nights filled with babies
nights filled with friends
nights filled with booze
nights filled with hair cutting
nights filled with people searches
nights filled with breakfast food
nights filled with rapping
nights filled with break throughs
nights filled with waiting
nights filled with phone calls
nights filled with blindage
nights filled with surfing
nights filled with shows
nights filled with fear
nights filled with sneaking out
nights filled with driving
nights filled with failing
nights filled with sleeping when everyone else was awake
nights filled with drawing
nights filled with love
nights filled with you and me
nights filled with photos
nights filled with regret
nights filled with smiles
nights filled with long conversations
nights filled with so much more than i could even recall
and there were many nights that were filled with nothing at all, except the hot summer air
au revoir l'ete. j'adore tu beaucoup.
and to think that im spending my last summer night, alone .