Sep 14, 2003 19:44
Well I'm back at school...feeling more shitty than ever :( I walked into my room and was greeted by a Crying Crystal.....apparently a lot happened here while i was gone..... ::sigh:: All i have to say is boys suck...they're assholes...and i'm going to kick Jerry's ass.
I had an amazing weekend w/Ashley. Seeing her was nothing short but wonderful. When she pulled up in front of my school on Friday night, it was like a huge weight was taken off of my shoulders. Everything is 10000000 times better w/her here and when i'm with her b/c she makes me so happy. She's perfect...she is the one. Friday night we went out for a little while to our friend's appt...we took one shot w/Crystal before we left and both of us had like a HALF of a beer...neither one of us wanted to drink or anything. Everyone at the party was just getting hammered and being annoying and stupid, and we just wanted to be we left the party early and got to be alone in my room for about an hour or 2 before crystal came back :) We left early Saturday morning (after stopping at McDonalds for breakfast hehe) and she dropped me off at home. I stayed there for the afternoon and saw my parents and my brothers...our new DOG??? lol...ya. (It's cute i suppose...i guess she'll grow on me? no idea...) And then i ended up going to pick her up that evening and bringing her back to my house. Ah, spending the night w/her again was so so perfect. I can't fall asleep w/out having her in my arms...and when she is i feel like everything is just right. ::sigh:: I'm having an extremely difficult time being away from her and this weekend, i could really tell she is too. I knew we were both on like, the same page as far as missing each other....but now i know that she's in as much pain as I am. I feel so so bad when she cries :( Like, all i can say is like "it'll be ok, don't worry" etc...but i know it doesn't help - and i want to cry right there w/her, but i know it will just make her feel MORE SAD. :( right now all we really CAN do is like WAIT to get some answers - from pitt and everything. I seriously can't take this...all i want to do is be w/her. I hate leaving her on seriously is the WORST feeling in the entire world :( ::Sigh:: I just really hope this either gets easier (which i HIGHLY DOUBT...) or these weeks/months go by faster...or we can get a sure way of transportation to see each other a little more often. I don't know how much more i can handle...
On top of being upset about being away from Ash, I'm really stressing about school work. I have a TON of reading to do and a paper due by Tuesday :( I really need to take a full day and catch up. That day will probably be TOMORROW...which means it's going to SUCK....but hey, i guess i gotta do it sometime :( grr...
I'm extremely tired...i can feel that my glands are swollen...i have a headache, i'm stressed, and i miss ashley more than i EVER have. And although i'm extremely sleepy, i dunno how i'm going to fall asleep without her next to me.