Mar 20, 2006 15:16
I totally was owned my the History of Modern Thought final. So last night was like this: study, study, study, Aim, Aim, Aim, study, Aim, Aim, Aim, Aim, Aim, study, Procrastinate, read, FEM, FEM, FEM, Procrastinate, study, sleep for 30min, wake up and go wtf my alarm didnt go off, EFFF, sleep more because I'm lazy, get up at 11:20pm for final (without finishing studying), take test, pwnd, died.
I should have wrote about Palany and Bernal for the science essay that I wrote but instead I wrote about Comte (no idea what i'm talking about), Spencer (because he is my phylogenic ancestor of thought), and Durkheim (wtf I needed a third author) when Palany and Bernal both talk about science. That's what they write about! And because I didn't read them and didn't even wikipedia them or even read over someone else's notes about them, I fail my test. Oh, I also had no idea wtf I was talking about in my IDs because I made up random years (fail) and then made up random titles of books (fail again). My fail score is 3 right now. x 1000 billion. I have failed so much that I'm going to be expelled from the Asian species.
At least I did well on my second paper. Crosby liked it. Yay. I heart Crosby.
Now I'm going to eat and then start math.
Also pissed because the Bruin Cafe people didnt give me wontons for my effing salad. I need my carbs, darnit.