a p p e a r a n c e
height: 5'11"
hair color: brown
skin color: white
eye color: brown
piercings: ears
tattoos: not yet
r i g h t n o w
what color pants are you wearing?: black
what taste is in your mouth?: orange juice
what's the weather like?: stormy
how are you?: not too shaby
get motion sickness?: not particularly
have a bad habit?: smoking
f a v o r i t e s
tv show: family guy, south park, x-files, anything on the discovery or history channel conditioner: herbal essences
book: As I Lay Dying(also a fantastic band)
non alcoholic drink: pop
alcoholic drink: ....
h a v e y o u
broken the law: not really, not that i can remember
ran away from home: don't think so
snuck out of the house: never
ever gone skinny dipping: no
ever tipped over a porta potty: no, those mother fuckin things are just giant petri dishes waiting to infect you!
used your parents' credit card before: debit, yes
skipped school before: yes
fell asleep in the shower time/bath: nope
l o v e
girl/boyfriend: *sigh* nooo
children: no, i don't have any....but i do love them
current crush: gillian anderson, but really, will that ever go away?
had a hard time getting over someone: no
been hurt: yes
your greatest regret: i don't know
gone out with someone you only knew for three days: yes
r a n d o m
do you have a job: not as of now
your cd player has in it right now: Victory Records sampler featuring Hawthorne Heights
if you were a crayon what color would you be?: red?
what makes you happy: funny movies, music
who makes you happiest: my little sister
what's the next cd you're gonna get?: Hawthorne Heights, JUNE 1ST!!!!
w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t
time you cried: a few months back
you got a real letter?: forever ago
you got e-mail: today
thing you purchased: t-shirt or shoes
tv program you watched: Insomniac
movie you saw in the theater: Shrek 2
y o u r t h o u g h t s o n
abortion: pro-life, it's still murder no matter how you put it
teenage smoking: i'm one of them, lol
spice girls: fuckin babes....except for scary and sporty spice
dreams: awesome, unfortunately, i don't get them much, oh well