well. at the beginning of the week, i decided that it would be perfect timing to sprain my ankle. just in time for championships for the upcoming weekend. no crutches needed though. good job. congrats.
so i swam. and added a second to all my times. boo.
me loosing backstroke. in lane 3, the fastest of course, but at this point, i'm getting my ass kicked but have another lap to catch up, i think i placed 3rd.
and that's my butterfly. came in 2nd in that one. i like the lighting, don't really know if it showed, but its almost 2 in the morning and i just wanted to update before i pass out. i was announced as a graduating senior. got a nice little keychain recognizing that.
i went up to NYC to see Rent. We walked around for a while before our show. very cool. i liked. sorry no pictures. didn't feel like looking like a tourist with the camera. but some other people took pictures, they'll have to send them. also went over to Chelsea ave and saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Soooooo fucking awesome. For anyone that's ever been to one, no, i did not declare that i was a virgin at the showing so i didn't have to go through that. ahahahaha. it was great. i really liked it. we brought props and threw them. there were also actors who acted out the parts. people that know all the lines and timing would call out everything in the movie. so crazy. i sound like an ass, but you really had to be there. hah.
i love my shoes.
and i love my shirt too.
which was given to my by my bestest buddy. whom i will be chillen with monday and tuesday, and hopefully tuesday we'll get to see lauren too. Nice. can't wait.
2 Tylenol pm's and 2 hours later, i think i'm ready to crash.
::we can't progress unless there's an obstacle to overcome, if there's nothing to jump over, then our feet would be nailed to the ground, and what good would that do?::