midterms are over thank god. i went to get a massage thursday night, after all of them were over; i got a deep tissue massage and the masseuse was like "wow, you must of been really stressed, your back muscles were twisted like a pretzel...". yeah, i felt so good afterwards.
i went to my profs office yesterday to see my grade for the constitutional law midterm; i studied my ass off for this exam... i literally spent almost 2 entire days of reading 50 or so different cases, breifing them, memorizing the dissents/concurrences, EVERYTHING. i felt very confident about the test, but, once we got the exam, we were all like floored - extremely difficult. i made a fucking C-!
i absolutely HATE getting any grade letter followed by a minus. it's like, you're so fucking stupid you don't even deserve a whole C.
hehehe. i get really dramatic about grades because i'm obsessed with making A's. oh god, i remember when me and
satinesarah were taking biology 1 and 2 a couple of summers ago, we would be devastated if we made anything below 100 on our exams. "a 96?!?! WHAT THE FUCK?!" hehe. good times.
anyways, i'm off to the gym and then to lowes to buy a weedeater. random, yeah.
i'm going home tomorrow to stay the week. steph - let's go to the beach. lol.