So, again, I've let posting lapse. I remember a time when I was posting every day. Multiple times. That was likely a much more annoying time rather than entertaining, but still. Even if I have a hard time reading what I sounded like in 2001 over again now, it was nice to have a record.
So here's another go at picking it up again. Let's see if I can sum up the recently of things, yes?
A couple of shows have happened. George, Genevieve and I went to see Fuerzabruta in May which is this wild show off Broadway (a birthday gift to Genevieve from me and Michael). Action happening all over, above, on the walls, on treadmills. The audience moves around with the show. Crazy lights and building music. It all ended with a rave dance party under indoor rain. Thoroughly enjoyable show; quite the worth it experience.
Only other notable experience in May was more festivities for Genevieve's birthday. Lots good food and lots of friends.
June came and went almost as though it didn't exist. Many things happened, but it was one of those months that felt like it was over before I'd realized it started. To kick off the month we had a performance in Asbury Park for a ::insert many different sexualities and lifestyle choices here:: benefit. Our very first outdoor (and on asphalt, no less) show which went swimmingly but far too quickly. I did "Fuck You" again (which I absolutely love) and almost bought chaps. Damn my slightly too big (but beginning now to slim) thighs! I'm determined to have a pair by next year. This was followed by Dan's graduation party which was mucho fun and my introduction to a great family tradition of theirs: celebrating important milestones with lots and lots of crab.
Around the same time I got to enjoy both a boys' weekend and girls' weekend (one while Genevieve was in Virginia and one while Michael was in south Jersey). Boys weekend included much geeking out (including seeing the new Star Trek for the second time), much drinking, and a great deal of laziness. Girls weekend started by seeing the rescheduled Bailout Burlesque Charity Auction. (The first of which was cancelled, uncancelled, cancelled, moved, and finally cancelled the first time around - all on the same night. That experience included hanging awkwardly in the new Indian restaurant which was appalled to have us there in the first place, then move up to the scary soon-to-be clothing store which was falling apart, boxes and furniture - and rat pellets - strewn everywhere, only to discover performing there as illegal, almost moving the the gay club down the road, and ultimately turning away the whole audience and going home completely unfulfilled. Although in retrospect not a bad story to have.)
The rescheduled show was much fun to watch, some for tragic and some for very talented reasons. Parts made me very much want to collaborate, and other parts made me cheer (slightly inappropriately) as one act was dragged off stage. Overall and very fun night. I would love to see the auction aspect revisited now with lessons learned.
Saturday continued our girly-fest starting with some shopping, where I spent money I didn't have on clothes I _really_ wanted. Next we saw The Proposal which I liked a lot, followed by Appletizers and an impromtu stop at the club Switch to have shots and dance until close. I hadn't had a girly weekend in a long time; lots of fun was had.
Following the fun and leading up to the first of two full weekends of gaming, I got very sick, although nothing compared to the
red death rash of earlier this year. Fortunately, my health returned for my weekends of gaming. You see, many times in the past we've started talking about RPGs and playing and I've said something like, "Oh! We could play now!" and everyone laugh and pats me on the head and we move on. But several weeks before, this happened while Dan and Katie were over only instead of laughing and patting, Dan, Michael, and Joe said, "Okay!" and Katie and Genevieve went shopping. This in and of it self was a geek-dream come true for me. And even moreso, as wee talked further, spawned into a plan to do full-on gaming weekends while Katie was away in Texas for a couple of weeks for a wedding.
This gave us (Michael, Joe, Dan, and I) a chance to plan an awesome D&D campaign Michael's been working on for a while on weekend one. Last weekend we tried D&D 4th Edition Friday night and then George joined us for Saturday and Sunday where we played card and board games and watched some geeky British comedy. (Best way to celebrate Fourth of July ever!) Completely enjoyable weekends and I absolutely want to do similar for every celebration that's for me. And many weekends in between.
Besides these gems I've remembered to mention, I'm sure many other really great things have happened, and for those things I forgot, I appologize. Much of the rest of my life has been exercise, shower, work, shower, dinner, sleep, repeat. Much with the work. But things are pretty okay right now.
Enough rambling; hopefully another two months will _not_ go by this time.