(no subject)

Aug 20, 2006 23:29

I'm currently online in the hot tv room on my desktop computer.


Because the wireless is not working.

I don't know why it isn't working. It was when I'd first turned my laptop on. Then it kept disconnecting and at this point doesn't recognize that there even us one. The router seems to be working perfectly fine. I can obviously get online through the modem since I am now. The cable is fine. Everything is fine except the wireless part isn't working.

This makes me sad.

I will probably call tech support tomorrow and all will be well. But for now, it's really bugging me and I've got this anxious gnawy feeling in my tummy 'cause of it.

However, besides this one little thing, I had a really nice weekend, all thigs considered. Tara's party on Friday where I got to see Katie (who I so rarely get to see) and hang out with people I rarely get to hang out with. Saturday during the day was stressful (and I had to miss Angelo's party :(), but Genevieve and Michael surprised me with dinner and company for the last hour or so and the show was pretty okay. I felt kinda icky for much of it and I've lost my taste for playing Janet. I may feel better once my new costumes are ready (which I really am in desperate need of; fortunately I should have them soon), but I just don't have very much fun in the role anymore. Having George as my Brad was a big help, but much of that fun was when we were goofing off and being hyper.

Today was very nice. Loungey, chinese food, Cthulhu talk, sex-full, and relaxing. I had a very, very good day with my lovers.

And tomorrow, George is coming over and we're setting up a Spycrafty game, which's awesome. :D

Now, if I could only fix my internet problem (and get rid of all bugs in my house), I'd be one completely satisfied Danielle. Even so, I'm pretty happy right now.

frustration, gaming, rocky horror, janet, weekends, computers, genevieve and michael, internet, work, cast, love, bugs, relationships

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