(no subject)

Aug 18, 2006 03:52

I'm online.

In my room.

On my laptop.

'Cause we have wireless.

I set it up all by myself. Well, with the help of a very nice tech support lady that was incredibly amused that I was chosing to set this up at 3:45 AM my time. But, it was new and shiny and I had to get it hooked up now. I will say, the cute, flirty Best Buy guy made it sounds all too easy. A little easier then it ended up being. But ultimately, it only took a ten minute call to tech support to get it all finished and set up. And then Genevieve and I raced upstairs to test it out.


Also, we saw the midnight showing of Snakes on a Plane tonight with George.

It was bloody brilliant. I haven't had that much fun at a movie in such a long time. It was really crappy and culty, but great because of it. Little gorey, but for the most part, absolutely laughable. And Samuel L. Jackson was amazing. He just would not let himself be anything but badass, even though he was in such a ridiculous film. It was really enjoyable all around. And I still really like snakes. Awesome, awesome movie. Definately the kind to watch with a group and laugh your butt off over. But, I don't want to ruin too much, so go see it! (And I really hope AskANinja does a review. Although my tummy hurts enough from laughter as it is; I can't wait for DVD.)

Also included in today's events was lots of burlesque show planning and going to Best of Nature. Burlesque stuff is starting to come along really quickly and I'm both nervous and excited at the same time. Just like theatre should be. As for Best of Nature, massive disappointment in the massage cream department. They had a lot more last time. But, I got one to try (it was a lotion though, so I'm skeptical; it seemed okay on the test run with Genevieve's hands), and the nice ladys that work there gave me a few samples of some other creams that I can try, so if I do find I like something else better, I know what to get next time.

So yeah. Good day. I am tired now. Very, very tired. And, I'm again going to be late with a homework assignment, but that'll hopefully be the last time. I'll try to get it done tomorrow.

Now it's time for shower, pain pills (ouchy headache), and sleep. Lots of sleep. (Or, about seven hours of it if I push it to the last possible minute I can get up - luckily it's a late-ish day tomorrow.)

... ... ...

::gleeful smile:: Wireless!

wireless, computers, school, movies, snakes on a plane, massage, burlesque show, best of nature, george, laughter

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