Feb 02, 2006 23:16
I hate Groundhog's Day.
I actually had almost been able to avoid my yearly anger trip over this stupid day when I had forgotten that today was it. Fortunately I was reminded just in time to feel the right amount of fury.
First off, the whole idea that a friggin gopher predicts our weather is absolutely ridiculous. But, whatever, fine.
What really bugs the fuck out of me is the way we figure out what the groundhog's prediction is. Since this is already a ridiculous idea, the prediction is determined even more ridiculously; whether or not he can see his shadow.
... ... ...
O_kay... so if we're going with something that makes no sense, I, at least, have to try find some_kind_of sense to it. Alright, the sun represents spring and summer since winter would, usually, be overcast and snowy (not this year, but that' generally how the season is represented). So if the sun is out, and he sees his shadow, yay(!), that means spring, right?
Not right!
That means more winter!
How does that make sense!?!
It doesn't! It's stupid! Oh, the suns out, must mean a whole 'nother six weeks of snow storms and cold fronts.
groundhog's day,