Michael, Genevieve, and I were exploring Connecticut. We'd gone there for a Rocky show, stayed the night, and were leisurely driving back to New Jersey and stopping at place of interest.
At one point, Michael and I decided to part ways with Genevieve for a little while because there were a couple-a places she wanted to go that we didn't and vice versa. She headed off to a small craft store and Michael and I headed to an abandoned building.
Now, I don't know how we knew about this place, but we knew that it'd been abandoned since the early twentieth century, and no one would buy the building. For some reason, we wanted to explore. There were lots of stories surrounding the place, none of which, we believed. So, we climbed up a rickety ladder to get to the entrance (I don't know why it was so elevated), and I went in. Michael, at first, stayed at the door to make sure it would stay open.
It was dark. Really, really dark. Like, darker then it really should have been. There were big windows, but the light seemed to just kinda avoid it. So I started searching through the first room and I saw something move in the next. I jumped and ran back to Michael. We agreed that it seemed like there might be at least one person already in the building, and neither of us really wanted to be alone. So, we propped open the door (I really don't know why we thought we wouldn't be able to open it from the inside), and both went back in. I picked up a huge mug that had a couple-a dice in it. as we searched the room, both of us found stuff to take with us. All of a sudden we saw three people in a distant room running and growling.
Yes, growling.
We both ran towards the back of te building and I, at least, was scared out of my mind. I saw a big cofin shaped box. It was sealed with no clear opening anywhere. There were these shadowy people circling me everywhere. I picked upa large peice of wood, smashed the box, and threw it out of the window.
Michael caught up to me, the other people vanished, and all of a sudden, the whole place was full of sunlight (which was weird, 'cause it was all overcast inside; before we entered and eventually when we left). We walked back through the house back to the door commenting on how pretty it was now that it was settled.
We walked out the front door (which was closed, and ground level) and headed back to the car. I walked towards the drivers' side and saw Genevieve in the car listening to music with headphones (although we could hear it too). I knocked on the window and asked her what she was doing here.
"Why, don't you want me here?"
"Of course, it's just that we dropped you off blocks away, and we thought we were going to meet you back there."
"Well, I was done and bored so I thought I'd wait here."
She seemed angry with me. I got into the back of the car, started looking at the stuff I'd gotten in the house.