Nov 21, 2005 14:27
so i lost the card with my HIV test number on it (that's right; in their eyes, i'm only a number) so i have to get retested and not loose the mofucking card. i found a lice crawling around on the head of another friend of mine...they're closing in on me, and quite frankly i'm scared shitless of those little fuckers. so i'm soaking my head in vinegar tonight.
i'm staying in oberlin for thanksgiving, probably having a dumpster delite dinner at the house of my newly lice-infested compadre.
on friday i did brain surgery on a rat, and i visited him today. he's cute in his little acrylic electrode hat, but for some reason i think he's scared of me...
jonah's attaching himself to a train somehow and coming down here in december, so i dont have to wait til january to see him. ohio decembers are perfect weather for a bedfellow and some artificial sunshine.
i'm still ecstatically in love with everything
wish me free of virus and louse