I friended some people over at
ontdcreepy (...okay, one person so far because social life what is social life) and there is this meme going around my flist now, so you should all do it.
Because you love me.
Or something.
You post in the comments and tell me three things about yourself, and ask me three questions (about whatever you want). I'll answer the questions. Then you go ahead and do it yourself in your own journal.
I also slept in all of New Year's because my lungs are rebelling again. I really can't take two steps outside without hacking something delicious up (currently on the menu: a thick, pale yellow mucousy substance).
When we learn how to make robot bodies, I want one and then I want to put my lungs in a jar and laugh at them. Laugh at their pathetic existence.
Welcome to my LJ. (: