You guys,
I accidentally a kitten. I was walking to work and when I was a few blocks from my apartment, I heard this weird noise over the sound in my headphones. Took them out, look around, and there is a little kitten following me.
I scooped the little dude up in my jacket and headed back to the apartment to feed, cuddle, and give him some warmth. (It's cold out now. ): )
I'm going to try to find his original owner this week. He's got to have someone since he's not super skinny and has really soft, clean fur. He's been dubbed Prince since his original nickname of Lady, uh, didn't really fit after my roommate and I made a certain discovery.
Would totally love to keep him since he is adorable and a sweetheart, but he's stressing Tweak out and, in turn, me (plus, my wallet is so bare, I open it and moths fly out; I can't afford two cats at all, as much as I wish I could). Kittens, y u cause so much trouble? D:
But yeah, that was my night. Just call me James, the kitten saviour.