Kitacon 2 round up

Mar 31, 2010 11:46

Last year I attended the very first Kitacon and was hugely impressed by how well run it was. It was also fantastic fun so it was never in doubt that I would be attending the second Kitacon, held the weekend just passed.

I'm now going to totally steal the win/fail format to round-up the event. It works a bit better on LJ, plus I'm going to start shortly on a feature for Animetion, so best concentrate most of the writing on that.


Managed to but tickets and change trains to Northampton in the space of five minutes - WIN

Unexpected friends on said train - WIN

Saw more friends when we arrived at Northampton station - WIN

Saw even more friends when we arrived at the Park Inn - WIN

Dinner with the lovely Phil & Lydia (Genki Gear) and top bloke Steve (Neon Martian) - WIN

The opening ceremony was pretty much on time - WIN

Team Giblets video in said ceremony - WIN

Bar prices - FAIL

Wetherspoons next door with much cheaper bar prices - WIN

Decent music actually got played at all the parties - WIN

Met several new awesome people - WIN

Met several new dull people - FAIL

Ibis charging me for two rooms on Sunday - FAIL

Kita's got talent actually contained talent - WIN

Team Giblets again - WIN

My friend Emily's artwork being featured on the con badges and t-shirt - WIN

People other then my friends actually came to the Hello Kitty panel and enjoyed it - WIN

And of course me and Amy spending our first con together as a couple - WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN !!!!
I'll come back to this list letter as I'm sure there are is plenty more WIN to add. One other thing is that I was very impressed with how helpful the committee were when it came to the running of the Hello Kitty panel me & Rich did. Scowny was in email contact with me prior to the event and Macula came to our aid when we compeltely failed at using the projector. Everytime I spoke to the committee about anything, they were always great.

I'm going to post on people's FB profiles tonight, as I've got far more people on there then my LJ.

Oh and last years Kitacon feature can be found here -

I'm going to be writing most of the feature for this years Kitacon over the Easter weekend. The finishing touches are just being done for the long overdue Alcon 2009 feature first.
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