Friends List Cut

Apr 28, 2005 18:19

(And don't say I didn't give plenty of warning...)

If you are reading this and not seeing my locked entries, it's because of one or more of the following:

1) You never update;

2) You never comment;

3) You did not respond to any posts where I asked people to comment if they wished to remain on my List;

4) Your entries simply don't interest me.

Not to offend any of you, but I don't want a huge number of people on my list just to have them there. I want people willing to interact, and quite frankly, if I don't see you commenting on my journal, I have to assume you're not even reading it. I've left several entries mentioning that I would be doing this cut soon, and requested that those interested in remaining on my list let me know. A good number of you have not bothered to do so. Also, I've noticed that I really tend to skip over a lot of people's posts, because they simply don't write anything that I can either relate to or find interest in. If all you do is post about a fandom I don't know, or some random RPG you are in, it bores me, and I see no reason for useless clutter. If you still wish to be on my list, and I have cut you, feel free to comment here, but tell me why you want to be kept on. Again, if you're not going to read and comment, don't bother. I don't want dead weight on my Friends List.

It does hurt to cut some of you, because there are those I removed whom I considered friends who seem to have decided I'm just not important anymore. And again, I don't want any of you to grow offended if I've removed you. Odds are, we simply have nothing in common, or you haven't been reading my entries anyway, so it won't be a big loss for you. You also have the option of commenting here and requesting to be put back on, so really, the power is in your hands.
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