Mar 14, 2005 17:20
I am sick and tired of all these non-smokers going "Oh smoking is so bad for you, so we are going to restrict where you can smoke because we are a bunch of pussy footed pricks who dont know our own ass from a hole in the ground" who try to tell smokers that smoking is bad for you. We know, and we frankly don't care! If we really cared, we would stop. I've always tried to be polite in my smoking habits, but that apparantly isn't enough. Because there are still people going "you should stop!". Well you know what you should do, you should shut your damn mouth before I get tired of your babbling and drop my ashes into your motor mouth. I think of things this way, it's my body so I can do whatever I damn well please with it. It's not like I am shooting up heroine or drinking until I puke, or even cutting myself. It makes me happy, and if it doesn't make you happy well that is your problem and not mine. George Burns smoked cigars forever and lived to be 100 years old and died from natural causes. That is a spokesman for tobacco if I ever saw one. This country was fucking founded on the tobacco crop, and this is the greatest country on Earth. I will still try to be polite in my habits but you people just need to fuckin lay off. Speaking of assholes that I need to rant about. Eedee, first what the fuck kind of spelling is that? Did a retard just randomly hit those keys on a typewriter or something? I swear though, if she ever gets in my face one more time, I will grab her by the throat tell her to back off or I will do something I will regret and shove her away. I don't care who her friends are, if they don't agree with me on this subject they have picked her side and not mine. It's a simple choice of her or me. No exceptions. Reply if you want, I just wanted to get a couple things off my chest.