I think it went well

Nov 26, 2003 16:46

My interview went well, I'm pretty sure.

The woman was very nice and optimistic...and damn, did she believe in me. That was pretty weird, lol. But I'm expecting a call back for a second interview before the end of the week. I might get it after all, who knows?

So the job title is 'Policy Support Officer'...it involves quite a lot of responsibilities like: develop outreach and media activities, provide consular services (immigration, visa, etc.), undertake research, attend meetings and write memos, translate documents and assist with the organization of official visits.
Pretty groovy, innit?

Pay is not bad for a first-time job and hours of work are cool (36h per week in Winter, less in Summer where you don't work on Fridays afternoons).

I'm not going to get my hopes up but it would be nice. *let's pray*
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