Nov 23, 2005 20:01
Ok, please don't take it personally if I don't comment in your entries for the next little bit. I am reading most of the entries (well, skimming all of them at least), I just haven't been feeling up to it lately.
Work is getting a little crazy. Mandatory overtime right now, we're short staffed and have too much work, so my boss is getting my department to do some extra work. I'm exhausted. Sucks. I told her I'd help out with the work as best as I can, but won't be working overtime, she said that was ok but didn't seem particularly impressed. Whatever.
I got the rest of my blood tests done yesterday, but I can't even get into see my dr for two weeks. I know my levels are off. Whatever it is seems to be getting worse. I'm completely exhausted. Any little task and my energy is gone. I go to work and come home and can't do anything else but sit and do nothing because I'm too tired to do anything else.
And I took my last trileptal on Saturday (a pill I was tooking for my learning disability, my psych thought it would be helpful, I've stopped taking it and stopped seeing him, freakin' psycho) and the side effects suck. The nightmares seemed to have stop, waking up in cold sweats have subsided. Morning nausea has started (and no, I'm not pregnant). Seeing things hasn't subsided yet... today though, dizziness and shakes started. I don't know if it's withdrawal or my thyroid problems.
I know that something is wrong though. Two weeks seems like a long time :(