Wow what a day of contradiction.
I said something today poetic, but unfortunately true
"the only thing worse than leaving the sweetest thing in the world, Is coming back to find out she's not that same sweet girl anymore"
I feel to blame...
This is not who she is, only facade to impress the wrong crowd.
I remember the real you and your not fooling me
This is so much worse than before
I can't believe I am finding myself here, 5 years ago I never would have guessed
I want to make all things right. I mean all aspects of my life. I have seen how happy healthy people live and I bear the guilt of my self destruction
Is it bad if I wish the past 21 years hadn't happened?
Or at least some where else?
Like on the east coast, and I did shit right. I could be in harvard or MIT.
But there's no sense in wishing, I just got to learn to go with what I got.
Things will never be the same
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