Jul 24, 2009 13:45
{The words forming on the page are neat and curly; quite the contrast for anyone who's seen the disjointed figure penning them.}
Is someone out there? Can everyone really read this? It seems strange that you could. But it is sort of nice, at the same time. Freeing.
I've never seen anything as bright as this place. Or people so charming and friendly. ..Well, I think I haven't. It feels unfamiliar, and I think that's the next best thing to remembering. Should I introduce myself? Silly question My name is Doll. I've just arrived by cocoon, you see, so everything is a little confusing right now.
I was told I need to find work, and quickly. But first, I think I'll work on getting all of that goo out of me. Some of my stitches must have come loose while I was in it, and I don't like how it feels under my skin. Has anyone else had this problem?
...And while I'm asking questions, does it always rain little chess pieces here? I hope not, it hurts to walk through it.
{OOC side question: where are the weather reports coming from? I can find other people's journal reactions, but not the original post deeming it so.}
chess pieces,