Apr 29, 2004 01:49
Howdy howdy...well another ol post to the LJ! weee!
Today was a good day (in the words of Ice Cube), a LONG one, but a very productive day for work. I got up at 5:30 (with a little help from my wonderful girlfriend :-) ) and got on the road to Orlando at 6 AM for a seminar dealing with my phat new engraving machine and software. Trip was ok, was REALLY tired, but as the day lagged on, I felt a bit more energized. The seminar was great, got a lot of one on one time with one of the head engineers for New Hermes (the company that makes my engraver) and I learned a lot. My education in this will help me enhance my productivity and keep my stress down a bit too! Well, on the way back from Orlando, I was REALLY tired, had to try and sing to some songs or so to keep awake. I got back and decided I wanted to get a few things done around the shop, so I drafted DJ into it and we got quite a bit done (didn't get out of work till 1 AM). I found some interesting stuff on a co-worker when we were fixing up his computer at work (its for work purposes, and we had to make sure it wasn't going to foul up any of our machines.....in other words, I was doing my job, not being nosy). Me and DJ found a vid of some guy molesting himself (Justin style) and I am not sure if it is my co-worker or not. Also, some other pics of what seems to be the same person with some chick. Not sure if it is him, pics + vid didn't show his face or have sound. Just thought it was interesting that when he came to work with us he wanted to use his computer at the shop and us to fix it up and have it up for him. Here is a tip NUKE THE PORN BEFORE YOU BRING YOUR COMP! LoL....so that was a cool little highlight in my evening. Other then that, just was really productive and I am pretty happy with it. I am growing accustomed to going without as much sleep (which is a good thing, b/c I need hours at work, and I have school). I am basically getting back to the way I was in high school. I am sure this will change at the end of the summer, especially if I want to get back in the gym. Gotta have some decent sleep if your going to work out and stuff :-D.
I noticed you guys aren't posting in your journals that much anymore? Whats up with that?! Or maybe I am tired...dunno. Thank god for my laptop that my mom got me for my birthday (yeah yeah, another early b-day present...kinda getting used to it in my family) my comp got a NASTY freaking virus that fouled up my comp. Not exactly sure how I got it, I suspect my little bro might have something to do with it, but who knows. I still havn't fixed it yet, will probably do that tomorrow while I work on my economics. The laptop came in handy though, had to check a couple of network jacks at work...weee!
Well I will quit boring you people with my boring ol life :-) Ya won't see me online as much, going to take work a little more seriously and such, going to be taking on new people and my responsibilities are getting bigger...hell might be making some kind of "career" out of this junk. Time will tell, until then school will keep me occupied and out of trouble :-)