Oct 01, 2004 18:32
school has just taken every last ounce of i had left out of me.....
i havent slept much lately,on top of that i have been getting headaches..i think i really do need glasses coz its always when im watching tv,on the comp or reading..hmm...oh well..just have to wait til friday to go to the opticians..
not sleeping is really not good..i was just starting to pick myself up..and then something happened the other night that juat made me falll right back down again and i just cant stop thinking about it..its driving me crazy...all this not knowing...and now i do, i dont feel as realieved as i thought i would..infact i just dont feel relieved at all..im fucking confused...=(
tomorrow night i dont know whether to go to the cathouse or to deep pan pizza..ive not really been hungry lately..so maybe pizza place isnt a good idea..although they do have yummy pineapple...
..last night i was listening to Box Car racer...and the song 'there is' just made me cry..it kinda described exactly how im feeling...
"do you care if i dont know what to say,
will you sleep tonight,will you think of me
will i shake this off,pretend its all ok
that theres somone out there who feels just like me..."
im at an all low at t he moment...it sux...well im off to Petes,..hopefully tht'll cheer me up...