Bye bye spring break

Mar 09, 2008 13:49

What a spring break, it started off really really shitty but got progressively better. Getting sexiled on several occasions and getting bailed on when I had plans with people made me think it was a mistake not going to LA, but then he said hi to me; no I'm not talking in a homosexual way I'm talking about DEVAL PATRICK.
Yes, you read it right, as I was working in downtown I stepped outside and guess who is casually walking down the streets of Downtown Crossing? Yep, our governor Deval Patrick...of course he wasn't by himself, he had two secret service guys with him and a black SUV following close behind him. But I swear, out of everyone walking around, I was the ONLY person who realized this was Deval Patrick. He saw me staring at him in awe and waved to me and said, "Hi, how are you?" And you know what I said? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING. I could nto utter a word for the life of me, I just let out a faint sound that sounded something like "uhhhehhi" I don't even think he even heard me. Oh well, if I ever see him again hopefully my brain won't go comatose again and I'll actually be able to say something.

Also, after last night, Olin College is officially my most favorite place ever. The Mexico party was ridiculous. There was a good 350 people at the party and the school absolutely did not care that these kids were throwing this epic party. Browne, Dewey, Joe, Tim and I had such a good fucking time. Though I did not wingman for Tim like I promised, he did justtttt fine on his own. And best of all BROWNE WAS BUMPING AND GRINDING WITH A CRIPPLED CHICK. You know you can die happy when you see a drunk Browne grinding up on a girls ass while she is being supported by a crutch, amazing. Dewey did his usual thing going on drunken tirades and calling girls whores, trollops and scrumpets, awesome. And to my surprise, JOE'S PANTS STAYED ON THE ENTIRE NIGHT. I know you all are just as surprised as I am. All of you guys who were going to go, but didn't totally missed out on a sweet ass party.

If I could go back in time I would probably switch my major to engineering and just go there for school. After partying until about 5 a.m. we waited around for an hour before we drove back at 6 since Browne and I had to work. I got back to Northeastern, ate a bagel, slept for an hour and a half and am now at work.
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