Feb 16, 2006 21:06
k kiddies if you don't want to read a whole lot of complaining or any negative talk at all. then stop here.
well my day started off with my english teacher decided he would make "fun" of how much i wasn't prepared for class with my fellow classmates. cute right? it gets better :]
so lately i've been noticing that somehow during my years of high school i'm like known as either "a bitch"
"someone that is stupid//doesn't give two fucks about school" "a drunk party goer who does drugs" "orrr my favorite, the little michelle who won't do anything wrong or won't stand up to anyone"
yeah, those are all pretty much incorrect for those who actually know me.
a bitch: yeah i have my days when i am but then again who doesn't? i'm actually pretty nice if you actually take the time to get to know me, i won't be a dick to you if you don't give me a reason to. if anyone can honestly come up to me and say that they've never been a bitch EVER. then they're liars
a stupid slacker: i procrastinate, that doesn't fucking make me an airhead or an idiot that comes to school every day and doesn't get anything done
a drunk?:come on people what the fuck, honestly i've heard so many stories that it's become funny to me.
the only illegal drug i've done was pot and don't get me wrong i'm not praising myself but thats nothing from what i've heard
little miss michelle:okay everyone needs to stfu and stop thinking of me as a little prick who you can walk all over and will do whatever you say just because you think you're hot shit. i won't and i'm sick of people thinking they can do whatever they want to me and i won't do anything back. i don't know if you haven't noticed, but i have a really short temper when i'm fucked around with and someday i will explode on someone. basically, just don't underestimate me.
that last little sentence brings up a good example:
today in art class our teacher assigned us into four design teams to make a brochure for our portfolio, [self promotion stuff] and so the high school grads were the team leaders andd the high schoolers were just regular team members. in my group, my leader is what you might call rude? so he kept joking around that he wanted to trade me for this other girl who honestly isn't very good. and it really hurt/pissed me off. okay i obviously don't have the same art style as this guy but to choose someone lower level than me like just really set me off hahaa and i hate myself to use this but, its just like that stupid poster in the nurse's office at school with the little puppy in the basket that says "everyone knows when i do bad, and when i do good nobody remembers" or something like that. i felt exactly like that. it just really pisses me off how people take like one example they saw/ or heard of me doing and thats how they portray me.
sooo basically, get to know me before you fucking go out there and act like you know me inside and out.