" I sung about you once now, I guess I might as well.."

Nov 22, 2005 20:19

Snow is falling and I couldn't be happier about that. I love walking outside with a jacket and a cute little scarf. Anyways, I also love drinking hot chocolate like theres no tomorrow. I love running around outside in the snow and trying to catch a snow flake, when my moms yelling at me to get back inside because she thinks I'll catch a cold. I love chorus, and the wonderful practices we have for the christmas show. I also love " Yule Shoot your eye out" by Fall Out Boy, which will be in my profile December 1st. Chyeah.

Speaking of them, I got the Spin magazine that their in. It kind of broke my heart, but it made me happy. I guess its because I'm battling it out in my head. A big problem for me is, is I don't want people to think of me as a poser in this scene. If I remember correctly, I've always liked this genre of music, even when it wasn't "in" to fancy it. But from the outside, I could look as a preppy poser, but I'm not, I swear it. And it bothers me, yeah Fall Out Boy is my favorite band, but its not even about their looks. Heck, I couldn't tell who was who for the first few months, because I didn't even bother looking at their faces, it wasn't a big deal to me. And it still isn't.

And I guess I just have to come to it that I shouldn't care, but I do. It angers me when people keep stealing the bands that I listen to, and I'm happy that these bands get big, but at the same time I want to be selfish and keep them in my back pocket. But I can't, and I guess I'll just wait out this little phase. But I just hope that people don't take one look at me when I say that Fall Out Boy's my favorite band, and think its because their "in" Its so much more than that. You don't even understand, and I'm not telling.

Anyways, a break from school and I couldn't be happier. I should be packing right now, and I guess I'll mosy my way upstairs in a few minutes to do so. So I guess I'm out. Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Come on sweet catastrophe,
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