wicked bored

Dec 14, 2004 16:00

(1) Your gender: male
(2) Straight/gay/bi?: straight
(3) Single?: yepp
(4) Want to be?: graphic designer
(5) Your birth day: august 3rd
(6) Age you act: 25
(7) Age you wish you were: 21, 20 is such a cock tease
(8) Your height: 5'11"
(9) The color of your eyes: blue
(10) Happy with it?: yesss
(11) The color of your hair: lt. brown
(12) Happy with it?: i guess
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous?: left
(14) Your living arrangement?: my house, soon to be my hosue in NC
(15) Your family?: yeah.
(16) What's your job: i am currently seeking employment
(17) Piercings?: soon.
(18) Tattoos?: and again...soon.
(19) Obsessions?: art. music.
(20) Do you speak another language?: pfft
(21) Have a favorite quote?: not really
(22) Do you have a web page?: uhm myspace? hah.
(23) Do you live in the moment?: yes.
(24) Do you have any secrets?: secrets make your life yours
(25) Do you hate yourself?: at times
(26) Do you like your handwriting?: not really
(27) Do you have any bad habits?: myspace
(28) What is the compliment you get most from people?: it seems people like my eyes a lot
(29) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: mmm i'm not sure..
(30) What's your biggest fear?: death
(31) Can you sing?: yesum
(32) Are you a loner?: yes.
(33) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: probably not
(34) Are you a daredevil?: kinda, i've riden some big ass waves
(35) What is your greatest strength and weakness? my greatest and weakest strengths are my my mind
(36) If you could change one thing about yourself?: less insecure
(37) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: creativity, love is faultered and beauty is opinion
(38) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: lol. security is a joke
(39) Do you think life has been good so far?: i suppose. it's had its good and bad
(40) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? it could be over tomorrow
(41) What do you like the most about your body?: hipbones/shoulders?idk
(42) And least?: idk never gave it that much thought
(43) Do you think you are good looking?: seems to be the common conception lately so ill go with it
(44) Are you confident?: sometimes
(45) Are you perceived wrongly?: probably

(46) Do drugs?: yeah i smoke sometimes
(47) Read the newspaper?: sometimes
(48) Pray?: no
(49) Go to church? no
(50) Talk to strangers who IM you?: not usually
(51) Sleep with stuffed animals?: no
(52) Take walks in the rain?: yes! i loveee the rain
(53) Talk to people that hate you : why would i talk to people who hate me?

(54) Liked your voice? yes?
(55) Hurt yourself?: yes
(56) Been out of the country?: yupp
(57) Been unfaithful?: no
(58) Been in love?: yes.
(59) Done drugs?: yes
(60) Gone skinny dipping?: yes
(62) Had a surgery?: kinda
(63) Been picked on?: for 13 years, it was called school
(64) Been on stage?: yes
(65) Slept outdoors?: yes
(66) Thought about suicide?: once. but it was more a pondering of the concept
(67) Pulled an all-nighter?: yes
(68) If yes, what is your record?: one time didn't sleep for 3 days straight.
(69) Talked on the phone all night?: yess
(70) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: mhmm
(71) Slept all day?: yes
(72) Killed someone?: no
(73) Made out with a stranger?: yes
(74) Had sex with a stranger?: no
(75) Thought you're going crazy?: nope
(76) Kissed the same sex?: yes
(77) Done anything sexual with the same sex? no
(78) Been betrayed? yes
(79) Had a dream that came true?: im working on it, the next step comes in 28 days
(80) Broken the law?: yes
(81) Met a famous person?: a few
(82) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: noo
(83) Stolen anything?: yes
(84) Been on radio/TV.?: yea a couple times
(85) Had a nervous breakdown?: it was more a 6 month depression with to much pot consumed
(86) Considered religious vocation?: religion is a glorified story, meant to keep the morale of society higher and ignorant

CLOTHES and other fashion
(87) Shoe brand?: tiger?onitsuka?
(88) Brand of clothing?: hollister jeans, myheroisme T, haste the day hoodie
(89) Cologne/perfume?: adidas sport/ aqua dio
(90) What are you normally wearing to school/work?: jeans and sweatshirt
(91) Wear hats?: yea
(92) Wear make-up?: ive done some modeling that was about the only time
(93) Favorite place to shop?: where ever i buy something
(94) Favorite article of clothing?: jeans
(95) Are you trendy?: idk i guess
(96) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: noo

(97) Believe in life on other planets?: yes
(98) Miracles?: yes
(99) Astrology?: not really
(100) Magic?: its all illusions
(101) God?: no
(102) Satan?: nope
(103) Santa?: no
(104) Ghosts?: after what i've seen i have no choice but to believe
(105) Luck?: yes
(106) Love at first sight?: yes
(107) Yin and Yang?: wtf is that

LOVE, and all that
(108) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: no
(109) Do you remember your first love?: yes
(110) Still love him/her?: in a different kind of way
(111) Do you consider love a mistake?: not a mistake but faultered and tainted by media and modern society, its taken for granted most often
(112) Do you base your judgment on looks alone: pfft definitely not.
(113) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?: stalker... um idk never been in that situation that i know of
(114) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?: uhm..knowing them first probably
(115) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? word on the street lately or so im told
(116) What is best about the opposite sex?: hips/smile/eyes
(117) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? control, necessity
(118) What's the last present someone gave you? hmm i don't remember
(119) Are you in love?: no
(120) Do you consider your significant other hot?: don't have one
(121) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk?: smile and appreciate lifes beauty.

(122) You wanted to kill?: adam
(123) That you laughed at?: drew
(124) That laughed at you?: drew
(125) That turned you on?: jenna kinda.. something feels different now
(126) You went shopping with?: matt and steve
(127) That broke your heart?: idk i let my self get to attached easily so they all come with heart ache
(128) To disappoint you?: jenna
(129) To ask you out?: never been asked out
(130) To make you cry?: jaime fox actually
(131) To brighten up your day?: megs i think
(132) That you thought about?: daryl.
(133) You saw a movie with? drew
(134) You talked to on the phone?: maggie
(135) You talked to through IM?: daryl
(136) You saw?: drew
(137) You lost?: kalani
(138) You wanted to be?: keith
(139) You told off?: my mom i think
(140) You trusted?: drew, cause no one else does
(141) You turned down?: idk. turned down from what

(142) Smiled?: tonight talking to daryl
(143) Laughed?: tonight at laken and tesa's house
(144) Cried?: a couple weeks ago watching this "inside the actors studio" with jaime fox when he was talking aobut the death of his grandmother
(145) Bought something?: i bought a blunt last week. but im poor so thats about it
(146) Were sarcastic?: today
(147) hugged someone?: mm yesterday or the day before
(148) Talked to an ex?: last night. i talked to court
(149) Watched your fave movie?: it's been awhile
(150) Had a nightmare?: don't remember
(151) Listened to the radio?: i don't
(152) Watched TV?: today
(153) Went out?: tonight
(154) Helped someone?: yesterday
(155) Sang?: like an hour ago
(156) Saw a movie in a theater?: to long ago
(157) Said "I love you"?: today to daryl
(158) Missed someone?: everyday (daryl, chris, kalani)
(159) Fought with a family member?: last time i mentioned moving to NC
(160) Fought with a friend?: awhile back with blaine at my house. he said he was "untouchable" you had to be there it was hilarious
(161) Had a serious conversation?: everyday
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