-happy squee-

May 24, 2010 23:29

Hm... y'know how you'll make a promise to yourself and you find that you can go back on it pretty easily?

Ages ago I said I'd never have another internet relationship outside of the UK...

... and now I'm in a relationship with someone from America ^///^

But FUCK, I'm happy. Alex makes me feel all... squiggly inside. Like happy and giddy and all those things you get when you're really crushing on someone. Alex is cute and sweet and adorkable with a side order of geekery.

Family-peoples, you may cross-examine the new partner to make sure they're up to your expectations X3

You may also notice I'm not using gender pronouns, 'cause Alex is androgynous. 'She' is the default, but I avoid them when I can :3

... I need to find out something to call Alex. I already hate saying boy/girlfriend anyways... partner doesn't sound right... I'll think of something! ¬_¬ Alex is Alex, why can't it just be that?
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