Days Again

Jan 06, 2010 00:40

It's after midnight and I'm bored

Day 16 → A song that makes you cry (or nearly)

Ghost of You - My Chemical Romance
I don't care if you think they're emo or shit or whatever, these guys were my angsty high school soundtrack and Ghost of You broke my heart everytime I watched the music video. The only time it brings me to tears now though is if I sing it out loud which I haven't done in a while.

Heaven - John Barrowman
I think most of the sweet soft lovesongs he sings make me all mushy and gooey. This one especially ever since I read that he picks songs on his CDs for his family, and this one was for Scott <3 Whenever I get my own partner I want to sing this to them.

Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park
I never really liked their new stuff until I heard this song, especially the line 'I've never been perfect, but niether have you'. It's just a very emotion-filled song to me, wanting to be remembered for something worthwhile instead of the mistakes you've made.

Day 17 → An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)

Because I love us so much, I'm gonna show you three pictures, one by me and two by my partners in crime. All three are pictures we've drawn of all of us together XD

By Terra

The thing I love most? The rubber duck XD Ever since this picture Ducky has been our little group's official mascot.

By Kitty

She drew us all as our favourite Special Infected from Left 4 Dead, but with a twist XD Which is why my hoodie says Kill, Kitty is in black and red and Terra is in camo. Can you find Ducky in this?

By me

My most recent drawing of us three (I draw us a lot XD). Ducky returns! See? Told you he became a mascot ^_^ Done at the beginning of winter before the big snowfall hit England. I really wanted a snowball fight.
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