Title: Bakura's New Laptop
Fandom: YuGiOh
Characters: Yami no Malik x Yami no Bakura [Marik/Bakura]
Prompt: #77 - What?
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bakura's laptop has a nickname, which has landed him in an awkward situation.
Author's Notes: I dedicate this to my friend Terra for giving me the idea in the first place (because my laptop has the same nickname XD)
Bakura's New Laptop -
Title: A Brilliant Game
Fandom: YuGiOh
Characters: Yami no Malik x Yami no Bakura [Marik/Bakura]
Prompt: #78 - Where?
Rating: R
Summary: Truth or Dare is one of the most strangest but brilliant games ever invented, according to Marik.
Author's Notes: My fanon is that Marik was sealed in the Millennium Rod, so he was in Egypt with Bakura ;3
A Brilliant Game