(no subject)

Sep 05, 2009 20:57

 Oy, life is so busy at the moment D:

We just had the QCS, with is the test that calculates our OP score which is what we use to get into university or TAFE etc. I don't know how it works overseas, but that's how we do it in Bris-Vegas. It's a big two day test with crazy rules. Like, we can't even have a waterbottle with a label on it. And we can take candy in, but it all has to be unwrapped beforehand. So did that, and now I have this huge stack of assignments I need to get through before thursday.

On the upside I turned 18 a week ago :)

Also, I don't know if I'm just weird or whatever, but I'm not a huge drinker and I'm not very socialable either, so I wasn't exactly hanging out for going to nightclubs or anything. And even if I was there wouldn't be much point 'cause all my friends are younger than me, so I'd be all alone on my birthday. And that's not cool at all.

So anyway, I found that I was getting really really annoyed at all the birthday cards with drunk chicks on the front and all these realatives going "Hey, why are you still here? Shouldn't you be at a club or someting?" and I'm just like, WTF? Why are these people, MY FAMILY telling me to go and get compleatly wasted? And my Dad and Step Mum keep telling me I should go places and drink and whatever, adn then, when I do go out (no drinking) I get back and they start telling me off! It's insane! I'm starting to think they're just trying desperately to fault me for SOMETHING becasue really, I don't misbehave, like, at all. They are very odd and I'm very confused about the whole thing. Bleh.

So am I weird? Or are there other peole like me who would rather sing along to disney films with 15 of my best mates on my 18th than stand around in a bar alone drinking.


18th, birthday, school

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