Driving in a Car

Mar 25, 2007 19:41

So I was going down the pass in Idaho and there were about 8 trucks in a row in the right lane and they were going about 35 or so miles an hour because the grade is about 6 1/2 or some shit. Anyway, all of a sudden a thick patch of rain comes up and the person in this fucking 2006-ish van slows all the fuck down to 45. I was going 70 and they slow down to 45. So I'm stuck behind this mother fucker, who doesn't seem to be speeding up at all, going 45 in a 70. I am fucking bored by this point, and tired of being stuck, so I start flashing my headlights, does he speed up an inch? Nope, does he pull between one of the trucks so he can let the now about 8 or so people behind me pass? Nope. Does he do anything? No. Finnally I start honking, becuase it's the only thing I can do. The people behind me join. Now that we've passed 4 trucks, he/she/it/ze finnally decides to move the fuck over and let everyone pass. I flipped him off, and the person behind me did too, through their sunroof, even though it was raining and I'm sure quite a few other people did too.
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