Jul 16, 2005 11:57
Ok so I just remembered that I joined this band called Last Surprise. Otherwise known as Ken, Scott and Aaron's band. I've been playing with them for the past month or so and it's been pretty sweet. It sounds kinda like Jimmy Eat World's more rockin' stuff except we have Scott's A.D.D. ass movin' all over the place so it's even better! Anyway, I have my first show with them next Friday with another band who I've had "relations with" in the past, Little Compass. It should be good times, come and watch me fuck up and piss Ken off, it'll be fun. Anyway, xoxodanipants made a post on his gournal a little while back about this same show, so I'll repost what he put even though I'm pretty sure that anyone on my "friends list" already knows about this.
July 22nd @ Walters On Washington, Houston TX 77007 8pm. 7$
LITTLE COMPASS - www.myspace.com/littlecompass
ADIOS - www.myspace.com/adios , they are from Ohio and they are some of the best people ive ever met.
LAST SURPRISE - This show will Be thier CD release show! and there cd is awesome.
THE NINJA DEATH ACCESSORY - insano techy math rock from Waco, www.ninjarock.com
There, you heard it from the man himself, peace out