kicked out of kindergarten

May 25, 2004 04:17

I just got back from Jason and Rainie's where we watched American Wedding and although it wasn't as torturous as its predecessors, it still managed to piss me off. At least this time, it's not necessarily b/c it wasn't funny (it actually had its moments), but b/c it put forth a concept that just pisses me off in general. What is with this idealized notion of "love"? Why do people think it's something that just hits you out of nowhere or that it works out like a fairy tale? I have a lot to learn when it comes to life in general, but one thing that has been made abundantly clear is that very few things in life pan out so nicely as they do on film. That's not the film's fault because it's not supposed to directly reflect reality all the time, but the fact that so many people buy into it and don't realize it just pisses me off on principle alone. What pisses me off even more is that the number of people on this planet that I could talk to about this who would actually understand and listen, I can count on one hand (if even that). The simple fact is that most are either in denial or too complacent to give a fuck. I mean, let's face it, if you have what you think is that "special person" (for the moment anyway), why would you choose to face a harshly realistic possibility if you can just slip back into your little world? Now, am I saying that if you're with someone and perfectly happy for the time being, that you should zero on this? Of course not, do whatever makes you happy and if you are happy, more power to you. However, to deny the existence of the concept that life isn't always ideal is stupid and naive. Gotta love the folks who fall off the face of the earth when they get a significant other, they're my favorite! Pants just meowed, she knows what's up. I guess what frustrates me is that so many people alter their view based on their mood (striking revelation, I know). I could bring up this very topic to someone and depending on whether or not they're pissed off at their signifcant other or not will immediately determine the course of that conversation. Basically, if your s.o. just bought you something nice, the topic would be met with a conciliatory response, but if they just pissed you off, then all of a sudden, it's time to throw down. I guess my point is to never lose sight of what is true (how poetic!). I'm human so I understand that moods will often dictate how receptive one is to this or that (why else would I be ranting right now?), but to let it completely alter your so-called conviction is fucking insane. I think this is why I love talking to people who are significantly older than me. Intellectual prowess means dick in the face of life experience. Learn all you want from pop culture, textbooks, cnn, whatever and it means jackshit in the context of the real world. Sucks for me b/c I have a low tolerance for people who put all their energy into extraneous things and that's exactly what girls my age enjoy doing. The point is, those who have been through a lot realize that a lot of things are not going to work out the way in which they probably envisioned, but that doesn't mean they don't possess a certain beauty in and of themselves. I dunno, I guess it saddens me to see people fall into a pattern of routine bullshit where they seem to lose any thirst for knowledge or ambition that they ever had. I'm all for being happy and finding your niche, but the minute I ever lose the desire to gain knowledge or try to "figure things out", please shoot me. I don't think there's a point you ever reach where you feel you have everything completely figured out and that's that. I think a huge element of happiness comes from doing what you want and still aiming for more, whatever that may be. Of course, I don't say any of this as an authority, just how I see it. I suppose I could change my mind six months from now, but the past year has just made me vow to never be complacent with anything so if I sound like I'm full of shit, just chalk it up to me ranting and actually using this "journal" in a somewhat legitimate manner. If you think I'm just bitter and angry, fair enough, you're wrong, but fair enough, haha. Can't help it, just have the urge to speak my mind sometimes.

On a brighter note, thank you so much to anyone who wished me a happy birthday, you really have no idea how much it means to me. A simple phone call to say happy birthday made my day and not to mention the freaking ridiculous party, courtesy of the inimitable Troy and Yvette. That was honestly the most insane party I've ever been to (way too many stories, my god) and you guys rock so hard for putting it on. Troy and Yvette would tell me to shut the fuck up right about now b/c they don't do the things they do for their egos or for gratification, but nonetheless, it was the shit. It was funny to get a call from my little brother wishing me happy birthday, the little bastard's all grown up. Thinks he's all bad b/c his voice got deep, fucker. It was even more fun visiting the old high school and being called "Mr. Hazen" *shudder*. However, I must say, there were some hot chicks there, I don't remember FBBA being like that when I went there. Kids were still asking me about Crash 81 and girls were hitting on me, I'm telling you...if I went to high school now, I'd be the shit! haha, not really, but it was good times.

This is the year of Jeff bands coming out with new music...we got Ten Foot Pole (their new album is fucking awesome, thanks for the hookup Sam), Bad Religion (the first normal song is called "Sinister Rouge", lol, suite), No Motiv, and of course, the new Green Day coming out in the fall. Aight, better go to sleep so I can get up and go get a new fucking phone.
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