i have left the artskool community as well, there is nothing worth saving there. the faculty (with exception to sandy) are just as thoughtless as the rest.
Just because Sapp isn't the art teacher, and they officially got rid of the position because Lincoln Public School didn't feel the need to fund it anymore, does not make the place not Arts and Humanities.
Every time the school year has ended at Arts, the the graduating senior have left, they have declared that the school is "No Longer Arts" because "it's not how it was when I went there, which made it Arts". FYI, in this amazing area called Real Life, every generation of humans, with their music, and clothes, has wanted to be the last. "It's not like it used to be, when life was good." The declarative statement of our times. Yeah. Things change. That's just how it goes. But just because you and I and all of the other alumni don't like it, it doesn't make Arts and Humanities not Arts and Humanities. When the school is gone in three years, which it more than likely will be, due to years of liberal teaching which pisses everyone off in a Conservative State and nation, then the old Coca-Cola distribution building will still be there, but Arts and Humanities will officially be gone, due to this idiotic notion that years going by and things changing makes it not what it is, and the end of funding of a good program because of people like pissy alumni, school board missionaries, and stupid students that manage to make the school look bad.
I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing, I want Arts to stay around even if it has to change. And yes, I was pissed when they told Sapp to hit the road and the teaching staff had to compromise instead of fight, but I got over it. I didn't like the changes. I thought Vanderslice's art class was a joke, when I heard about it, but at least she's trying. It's not like anyone else is doing anything for the school, which is essentially a handful of teachers and eighty students bouncing around a warehouse with some rooms in it. If you honestly think that there is nothing left of Arts that is worth saving, then you're just as bad as all the school board members that have been cutting funding and trying to change Arts and close it since it opened. And I know you aren't like that. Arts was the best thing that happened to me for my public school education. I can't say I liked the turns the program has taken, but I can't not support it just because it has adapted. I'm sure the same has happened at Tech and Zoo School.
Sorry I didn't stay to talk to you yesterday. The guy I ran off after was my old boss, and I've been trying desperately to find another job in the last couple of months. The trouble is endless. I need the money because I'm hitting the road and moving out this summer. And I have nothing right now. I'll call you this week sometime, and see what you're up to. Hope I didn't piss you off for taking a stand. This whole Arts argument is getting old.
not pissed only extremely aggraivated. i've talked to the faculty both present and those who have left it and they too say that the mentality of the kids attending there has changed dramatically. not saying that there isn't kids there who deserve to be there and are hoonestly working toward the furthering of the program but there are so many there and went there for the wrong reasons. the frustrating thing is that the faculty members that i talked to ask me to keep what they said between them and myself. Sapp was the only one who said beat it into their fucking heads, perhaps rather misguided but it seemed like the only way to get them to care and it still didn't do anything. given that i did what the faculty members who lost hope for the program did. i left. perhaps because i'm too far removed but mostly because i saw exactly what they said occuring there. that and vanderslice pissed me off to all holy hell.
I'm sorry. And Vanderslice pisses everyone off, either all the time or from time to time, there's just something about her.
I understand what you're saying. I wasn't argueing for the sake of argueing, but trying to support something that I did. I hate the stuff they do at Arts, and that I know there are twenty kids out of eighty that actually belong there. I think they should be a little less liberal with handing out the acceptance letters. Those new kids are just idiots.
Every time the school year has ended at Arts, the the graduating senior have left, they have declared that the school is "No Longer Arts" because "it's not how it was when I went there, which made it Arts". FYI, in this amazing area called Real Life, every generation of humans, with their music, and clothes, has wanted to be the last. "It's not like it used to be, when life was good." The declarative statement of our times. Yeah. Things change. That's just how it goes. But just because you and I and all of the other alumni don't like it, it doesn't make Arts and Humanities not Arts and Humanities.
When the school is gone in three years, which it more than likely will be, due to years of liberal teaching which pisses everyone off in a Conservative State and nation, then the old Coca-Cola distribution building will still be there, but Arts and Humanities will officially be gone, due to this idiotic notion that years going by and things changing makes it not what it is, and the end of funding of a good program because of people like pissy alumni, school board missionaries, and stupid students that manage to make the school look bad.
I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing, I want Arts to stay around even if it has to change. And yes, I was pissed when they told Sapp to hit the road and the teaching staff had to compromise instead of fight, but I got over it. I didn't like the changes. I thought Vanderslice's art class was a joke, when I heard about it, but at least she's trying. It's not like anyone else is doing anything for the school, which is essentially a handful of teachers and eighty students bouncing around a warehouse with some rooms in it.
If you honestly think that there is nothing left of Arts that is worth saving, then you're just as bad as all the school board members that have been cutting funding and trying to change Arts and close it since it opened.
And I know you aren't like that.
Arts was the best thing that happened to me for my public school education. I can't say I liked the turns the program has taken, but I can't not support it just because it has adapted. I'm sure the same has happened at Tech and Zoo School.
Sorry I didn't stay to talk to you yesterday. The guy I ran off after was my old boss, and I've been trying desperately to find another job in the last couple of months. The trouble is endless. I need the money because I'm hitting the road and moving out this summer. And I have nothing right now.
I'll call you this week sometime, and see what you're up to. Hope I didn't piss you off for taking a stand. This whole Arts argument is getting old.
I understand what you're saying. I wasn't argueing for the sake of argueing, but trying to support something that I did. I hate the stuff they do at Arts, and that I know there are twenty kids out of eighty that actually belong there. I think they should be a little less liberal with handing out the acceptance letters.
Those new kids are just idiots.
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