An update a decade or so in the making

Mar 05, 2024 15:24

Where the fuck do I even begin.  It's 2024, I'm gonna be 48 years old, I'm in terrible health, hate my job, mostly hate life in general.  But ironically I'm also pretty happy.  I managed to survive Covid unscathed, and then proceed to get diagnosed with motherfucking MS.  That was a real thrill in my life's list of "accomplishments".  So now I'm at the point where I am constantly in some sort of pain, some days are better than others.  I can do some weightlifting still, but after walking longer than 20 minutes to half an hour, I hit this unseen wall, and BOOM!!!! legs basically stop working.

I am still married, which still boggles the everliving shit out of my mind, as I can't believe anyone would want to stay with my sorry ass for this long.  My kid is now 16, smokes pot and thinks and acts like he's 23.

I think I'm gonna come back to this platform, as I really really REALLY am starting to fucking hate FB and social media.
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