Sep 17, 2007 15:24
There is absolutely nothing new on the Polish front as of now. I'm still going to be a daddy. The demon seems to be progressing nicely. The last ultra-sound showed horns and a tail, and it's still growing, so all seems to be well. Weronika got permission from her doctor to go back to work for a while. She's pretty happy, but I'm not too thrilled about it, as I think it's going to wear her out. I see how tired she is under the best of circumstances, but it's what she wants, so she'll go for it. I have an appointment at the UK embassy tomorrow morning regarding an EU Family Visa, which will allow me to go to the UK and be able to work. That's either going to be the back door into the UK or the front door. We just applied for my Polish Permanent Residence Card, and once I get that, I can apply for Polish Citizenship, and the day after I get that I can go to UK without any Visa whatsoever. Almost all of our friends have either moved there or are planning to move, and we're next. However we're pretty positive we're not going to move until next August, which is going to suck because it's another 10 months with everything on hold. But that's life. After February when the demon comes, I'm sure we'll be much busier, and the time will fly. My eyes are still about the same. I'm on a week's worth of sick-leave. It's funny, when the eye pressure is down, they're not as clear, and when they're clear, the eye pressure is up. I'm getting really frustrated with them and the whole treatment. No one seems willing or able to find out what's causing it. And how time flies...I thought I had much more time, but alas I don't. Hopefully I'll find or make some time to do a longer update tomorrow.