I found an old Maximumrocknroll last night and started reading it, mainly the letters and a couple of the columns, and I realized that if you took away the word "punk" and replaced it with "jesus" it would be like reading born-again testimonials. The beauty of accepting punk/jesus into your heart!!! It's always so humorous for me to read about the joys and seriousness of being "punk" or being (even more importantly) "real punk". How much spare time must one have to spend that much time thinking about who you are and how you fit into some scene. Especially a scene that's been dead for a long, long, time. Stupid gits. Maximumrocknroll might as well be renamed "I Am So Fucking Punk (and I'll tell you about it in great detail) It Hurts". Gits, all of them.
Been trying to apply for my Karte Pobytu card renewal, and I've gotten 3 different replies for the 3 times that I've tried. One person said I had to do everything from the beginning again, then the internet says I just need to fill out this one paper, and that's it, so I did. Went to drop it off (or rather my father-in-law went) and was told that the form was all wrong, and that the fee was going to be 300PLN, but maybe not. And I have to have an updated copy of my marriage certificate. What the fuck is an updated copy of a marriage certificate. I don't know, but there's only been a few times that I've seen Weronika as pissed off as she was last night. I don't even blame her, as I was mostly seething with rage as well. It truly was a moment where we decided to renew this fucking thing and get the hell out of here.
On a funny/strange/good note, we got a postcard from the owner of this bar that we went to every night when we were in Brussels! That was really really sweet. I remember the night we left, she asked us for our address, which was nice in itself, but we never ever thought that she would actually send anything. But it was such a pleasant, nice surprise. It just goes to show the character of the majority of the people in Brussels I guess. It truly made me wish they were open to the rest of the EU. Weronika and I always seem to look towards that city with a wistful misty eyed gaze that's almost pathetic. I DO realize that there is no such place as Utopia, but that place seemed pretty close. Anyway, it was really nice to receive a postcard from someone.
Tonight I'm going to Klub Punkt to see "iForward Russia!" and "Cool Kids Of Death" with
redgilda, and I'm really looking forward to it. Apparently "iForward Russia!" is really, really fun and quite good. In other words I'm looking forward to it. But I decided to hurt my ears and listened to The X-Rays on the bus this morning, which is always fun. They're absolutely bone-crunching rock n' roll. It almost hurts. I suppose I should stare aimlessly at my computer screen because the boss is here today. But it's ok to read a book (I think) instead of surf the internet. Dog bless corporate policies.