Sep 15, 2006 11:29
Well, I've just read that after the first of the new year, the Netherlands will have open borders for EU workers! This means that Weronika and I are reconsidering our dislike for Amsterdam and thinking of relocating. In defense of the about-face that we may be doing, I liked Amsterdam for the beauty and architecture and such, but I just didn't like the tourists. But it seems we're getting closer and closer to picking up and leaving. Everything we read and hear about people leaving Poland is mostly good stories about how much better life is. I still don't know what we want to do about a possible move to the States, but for me, I really would prefer to stick around Europe. Even Poland if it really comes down to it. I don't want to give up a pretty good job with a shit-ton of holidays for 2 weeks of holiday in the States (if I'm lucky) and working much more than I'd be working here. Dilemmas dilemmas...but at least we have options. This may sound like a pity post, but it's really not. I would say it's more of a confusion post. I wish we knew what the hell we wanted to do with our lives. It only seems that we want to leave Poland, but we don't really know where, or frankly if it will work for us. Europe will be easier for Weronika to find work, however it will be more difficult for myself, as I don't have the language skills she does. On the other hand U.S. may be better for me and decent for her, but then we also would have to repeat the immigration process over again. This thought is truly terrifying in itself. What should we do? U.S. or Europe? Advice is welcome and appreciated it it's what I want to hear. hehe
-EDIT- I believe I've just changed the menu for Sunday. The menu is now Roasted Goose with Stuffing and Cumberland Sauce. Now I'm officially aroused, and looking forward to cooking on Sunday.