So the rabbit cages has been invested with roaches. And how did I find out? I decided to go out there to take care of them in the dark. While petting Petre, something crawls onto my foot, and starts heading up my leg, I look down and realize what the fuck is crawling up me, and find that it's a roach. At which point I scream at the top of my lungs. Five of the windows in the apartments behind my house light up.
So I ran to the house, plugged in the light out there and run back. AT least 50 cockroaches on the ground. I get a shovel and kill about 20. After a few days later I remember that Clean Streak kills cockroaches. Sure as fuck, I spray one with it, and it's dead within five seconds. So cockroaches and Oprah may outlive everyone else, but the weakness is Clean Streak.
This said, onto my point:
Dad added boxes to the cages. The top cages. FUCKSHITASSCUNT. Pictures:
So, I walked into the cages, and I'm spooked because I just killed 4 roaches in one big fuckfest orgy, and I go over to the food can, and THUMP! Smalls is fight by me. Freaks me the fuck out cause she never comes up to me, so I put up my finger by the wire and she gunts and thumps, in reply, I say, "Bitch." Then blow on her, and walk away from the food can when BAM! I slamed into Smalls' box. I knew she was laughing. Moral of the story, karma is a fucking bitch.
And pictures of the Jep man on my bed:
And one more set of pictures; my eyes, and my nose looks rather large.